Chapter 21

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Icecube stared at the dust of the scroll, his mind screaming at him to run, Darkstalker would be released and he could do nothing. Icecube was terrified, he knew dragons would die, his aunt, would die because of Darkstalker, how was he ment to defeat a monster like that.

Winter then approached "Icecube, are you ok?" He sounded worried. Icecube looked up at Winter and shook his head saying "Darkness beyond our comprehension had been released." Winter stared at Icecube in shock and confusion, Qibli came up and said "What do you mean?"

Icecube got up slowly as he said "I've heard of this scroll, I found a scroll hidden away from all eyes once, on it, it described the scroll you destroy, and that scroll belonged to the evil animus known as Darkstalker, the scroll was written by a dragon named Clearsight and it stated that if the scroll was destroyed Darkstalker would get all his animus magic back and be able to release himself from his prison."

Everyone stared at Icecube and Qibli said "You should have started with that, we would have totally helped you protect the scroll then!" Icecube shrugged and said "The scroll also seemed to affect my mind, so sorry."

Moon then said "Well, what if Darkstalker changed? What if he's become a better dragon then he was in the past?" Icecube glared coldly at Moon and said "Dragons can change, but Darkstalker is no Dragon, he's a monster that took form of a dragon, he forced his own father to tear himself open, he had no chance at redemption."

Moon backed up in shock, Kinkajou then said "Wow, this guy sounds evil, but I'm sure we'll beat him and be crowned the heroes of Pyhria." Icecube frowned and said "We stand no chance."

Winter then said "Ok I get it, Darkstalker is all powerful but we can beat him somehow!" Icecube sighed and said "I doubt it, he's smart from what I've heard, he's probably figured that other animus dragons are a threat and made himself immune to all but his own animus magic."

Winter then said "What if we use the scroll, it's made of Darkstalker's magic, right." Icecube then replied "Yes, but it's destroyed, we can't use it... unless we use the piece that was the Pyrite enchant! Winter your a genius!" Winter smiled and pulled out the pouch.

Icecube gently took the small piece of paper out and said "I'm gonna need black and any other color ink." Turtle nodded nervously an threw himself into the ocean to look for a squid. Qibli then said "Me and Winter will go look for another color ink for you."

Peril then said "Well I'll be off, I bet my left talon Darkstalker is somewhere near Jade Mountain based on our luck." It was just Moon, Kinkajou and Icecube here to start planning out how to defeat Darkstalker with one little spell.

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