Chapter 15

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Icecube laid in the sand alone, he cried, his mind hurt. Icecube thought of all the horrible things he tried to forget, Desert's betrayal, his wing nearly dying and.... that..... The thing that scared him most.


Icecube watched as his Wing was being torn apart, he quickly yelled "Retrea-" he stopped his mind went blank as he saw the dead sandwing on the ground, it was his boyfriend, Drought. Icecube felt his rage swell up mixed with sadness. Icecube started to lose control of himself, he shot a long beam of frost breath in random directions, he didn't care who he hit, he just wanted to get rid of this anger.

When Icecube regained his mind he looked around, half of the Skywings were shattered and frozen, but.... some of the Icewings from Icecube's wing were frozen and shattered. Icecube didn't move from Drought's body as everyone ran off in fear.

Icecube cried into Drought's shoulder, he said "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I failed, I've failed everyone, I failed you!" Icecube laid on Drought's chest and said "I'll take you back to the icewing palace to be buried, it's the least someone like you deserved. I will miss you."

Icecube carried Drought to the icewing palace, he would make sure he got what he deserved.

Icecube had approach the grave he dug for Drought. Icecube and Drought's family were the only one's there, Glacier had given Icecube special permission to bury Drought in the royal icewing grave yard.

Drought was set gently into the grave, Icecube let his tears,run down his face, he had to avoid his siblings, they didn't deserve to see him like this. Icecube wanted to beg and plea for Drought to suddenly revive and be fine again, but he knew he wouldn't.

(End of flashback.)

Icecube heard some talon steps and looked up expecting to see Winter or Hailstorm, but he saw Peril. Peril looked down at Icecube and said "Um... are you ok? Cause your being rather loud with your crying." Icecube sniffed and said "Yeah... I just... I'm a terrible dragon."

Peril suddenly said "I know what you mean, I've killed tons of innocent dragons, but I'm not crying, I'm trying to change, even if some think I can't." Icecube swiped the tears out of his eyes and said "I understand that, I try to act like I am the most happy and joyous despite me truly being a monster."

Peril seemed interested and said "Can I ask what you did?" Icecube kept his tears back as he said "I killed some of my Wing because I couldn't control myself, I'm a monster." Peril scoffed and said "That's all, I killed and I could control myself, but you didn't mean to kill anyone, you aren't a monster and that's pretty obvious, anyway your brothers wanted me to find you, you've apparently been gone for 2 days."

Icecube got up and smiled slightly, "Thank you, Peril, you're a good dragon." Peril smiled back and said "I'm glad at least someone thinks so."

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