Chapter 19

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Winter fell to the ground crying, Icecube had just vanished, he was completely gone. Winter felt a talon touch his shoulder, Qibli quickly snuggled up to him trying to comfort him, "Winter, we'll get him back, we'll make sure he's safe."

Winter sniffed and whipped his tears, Moon then said "He- he looked scared and terrified, I- I think he left for a reason." Winter then said "I guess your right, he clearly seemed a bit scared, I never thought I'd see him act like that, it's kinda scary to see him scared."

Turtle suddenly interjected "Um... I could help find him, if it's that important to you?" Winter looked at Turtle and said "How?" Turtle looked down and said "Um... I may be a animus." Winter jumped up in shook and excitement, "If you do this Turtle I will owe you more then anything." Winter said with a small smile. They were going to get Icecube back, no matter what.

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