Chapter 20

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Icecube began to eat his goat he caught, the scroll sat close by, he refused to let it leave his sight. Icecube quickly finished his goat, the island was quite big with a mountain, he decided to make his home in a cave at the base of the mountain.

Icecube grabbed the scroll and placed it in his pouch and headed to his cave. It has a small river running through it, he laid his head down and opened his mouth, he gulped down the water he had in his mouth and started to make a bed, he shot a corner of the cave with his frost breath.

He laid in the cold icy corner as he started to fall asleep. Icecube was awake by the sound of voices outside, "So he's somewhere around here?" One of the voices said, "Yeah, that's what it says, we should look aroun a bit." Another voice replied.

Icecube grabbed the scroll and began to go into hiding, there was a small hole that lead to a smaller cave. Icecube hid in the cave, he couldn't let the scroll fall into Darkstalker's talons or let it be destroyed, he needed to stop Darkstalker.

Icecube heard one of the voices, clearly Turtle say "He seems to be through this hole." Suddenly the wall fell as Peril crashed through it, "Peril, be careful, we're not trying to hurt Icecube." Moon said. Icecube saw a little gap, he could escape if he was smart and fast enough.

Icecube rushed past them as Moon and Peril talked, "Wait, Icecube!" He heard Winter yell, "I'm sorry Winter, you'll understand later." Icecube whispered to himself. Suddenly Icecube realized Qibli and Kinkajou seeemed to be missing. Suddenly  Icecube was tackled by Qibli and Kinkajou, Winter slowed down and said "Thank goodness that worked."

Winter then came up to Icecube and said "Icecube, please tell us why you did that?" Icecube responded by saying "I'm trying to protect you, this scroll is pure evil, and I can't allow it to fall into the wrong talons." Moon, Turtle and Peril came up as he said this.

Icecube quickly thew Kinkajou and Qibli of him, making sure they don't get harmed. Icecube then said "I don't wanna harm anyone, but if I have to I will." There was an air of silence. Icecube looked around, he could easily defeat Winter, Turtle and Moon, but Kinkajou, Qibli and Peril had battle experience, even if it was little for Kinkajou.

Icecube quickly dashed at Peril, she was surprise but Icecube had a plan, he flapped his wings going over her and then shot her in the back with his frost breath.

Qibli was suddenly grabbed Icecube's tail, and he was slammed to the ground, Qibli quickly apologized. Icecube flung his tail around which cause Qibli to go flying into a tree, Icecube coughed and said "Sorry Qibli, but I can't allow this to fall into anyone's tal-" He realized the scroll was gone he saw Peril holding it as it burned, he looked at her with terror as he quietly said "You fool."

Wings Of fire: Strange BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora