Chapter 18

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Icecube made the enchantment and Ruby was back with all her memories in rack. Icecube looked down at the scroll in his talons, so much power, he could do so much, maybe even ensure Winter, Icecube and Hailstorm were always safe, he didn't want to admit that he would abuse this power but he absolutely would.

Icecube thought of how he could change thing, he could kill Darkstalker with a wave of his talon, and he could make Narwhal and Tundra treat Winter, Icicle and Hailstorm way better. Icecube had a unnerving smile on his face as he imagined this.

Suddenly Icecube was brought back to reality by Peril saying "Um... Icecube you alright, you look like your about to do something evil." Icecube shook his head and said "Oh sorry, I was just thinking about all the uses this scroll could have, I could protect my siblings and so much more!"

Peril seemed a bit worried and Ruby then said "Um... Prince Icecube, could you give us the Scroll, we could more then likely keep it safe on our own." Icecube didn't want to give up the scroll, he needed it to protect everyone, maybe he could help Winter and Qibli be happy in the icewing kingdom.

Icecube held the scroll tightly in his talons, he realized it was corrupting him, he couldn't let anyone get their talons on it, he had to hide it. Icecube threw himself out the window and started to fly off, his wings flapped as he flew.

Icecube imagined if a dragon like Qibli got his talons on the scroll, he would change to many dragons, his soul would be destroyed, Icecube could barely resist this, the scroll was to tempting. Suddenly Icecube saw the Jade winglet, Icecube flew past them, he couldn't let them or anyone see the scroll, it was way to powerful.

Icecube flew for hours, he refused to allow the scroll to be found by anyone. His wings were tired, he flew to fast, he blacked out and fell, he held the scroll tightly, their was no way he could let anyone get it before he hid it.

(Time skip)

Icecube woke up, sand buried him slightly, as he got up he saw Peril and the Jade winglet flying over to him, he sighed, this was a problem he would have to deal with without using violence.

Winter was the first to say anything "Icecube what are you doing?" Icecube let out a sigh and said "Winter you don't understand, I felt this corruption in me, and I realized quickly that this scroll is evil, I doubt even it's destruction will destroy the evil, I can feel it, it's like a light breathing trapped underground."

Moon jumped a bit but composed heself and said "Icecube please give us the scroll, I think I know what to do." Icecube looked at Moon and said "No. I won't let anyone get their talons on this, it will corrupt any dragon who holds it, which is why I'm leaving, forever, I can't let my corruption effect anyone, or the scroll effect anyone."

Winter looked at Icecube with tears in his eyes and said "You said you would always visit me, but now your saying your leaving forever!" Icecube frowned an said "Winter.... I'm sorry."

Icecube wrote a small enchantment on the scroll, he vanished, he was on a small island, he could see Phyriha from afar, he could only hope this would be enough to protect everyone on Pyhria from the scroll and Darkstalker.

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