Chapter 11

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Icecube landed the mountains were definitely the ones they saw in the drawing. Icecube turned toward everyone and said "Ok, let's split up, I'll go with Pyrite and Turtle, and Winter can go with Qibli and finally Moon can go with Kinkajou."  Moon quickly said "Which ways do we go?"

Icecube thought about it and then said "I'll go north, Qibli and Winter will go East, you and Kinkajou will go West, we'll all meet here before night fall." Icecube began to fly North with Turtle and Pyrite.

Pyrite then said "Hey... um... why are you all looking for Scarlet anyways?" Icecube looked at Pyrite and said "She took someone and we want him back." There was a cold pitch in Icecube's voice, he knew Pyrite was Hailstorm but he couldn't just reveal that, they would ask how he knew.

They flew over the mountains, Icecube couldn't see a single thing. As the sun began to fall Icecube let out a growl of frustration, he just wanted to dig his talons into Scarlet and tear her face off, or what's left of her face.

Icecube landed and said "Ok, let's head back, we should get back before anything night fall." Icecube started to fly back with Pyrite and Turtle, it was a long flight. Icecube hated the fact that he couldn't find Scarlet and tear her apart, then maybe he would play with Chameleon, he always wondered how long it would take to get the scroll out of his talon, but for now he had to settle with waiting.

Icecube and Turle began a discussion as they were aproching the meeting location, "Um... hey Icecube, why do you seem so... angry right now, were close to finding your brother, right?" Icecube grumbled and said "Yes, but we haven't found Scarlet yet, and I want to make her pay for what she took, and then I'll kill her, I was hoping we'd find her so I could spare the sight of what I'm going to do to Scarlet from Winter, but none the less, she will pay."

Pyrite slowly glided more toward Turtle as they flew, clearly they both were a bit scared of what he might do. They landed at the meeting spot, "Did any of you have any luck finding Scarlet or Hailstorm?" Winter shake his head as Moon said "No."

Icecube sighed, "Well then, get some rest, we have a full day of search ahead of us tomorrow." Icecube made himself a comfortable spot in a nearby cave, it was nice and cold.

Icecube knew he had to find Scarlet and get revenge. As for the scroll, he would hide that from everyone.

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