Chapter Fifty-Two

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Mae's Perspective

I was nervous. Like really nervous. I had arrived at the bar where we were meeting twenty minutes early, and had watched as Gavi walked into the bar. Although he was wearing a hoodie and glasses, I could still tell it was him.

After watching him walk in, it took me another 15 minutes to finally work up the courage and get out of my car. As I entered the bar, I looked around trying to spot him. Eventually I did, finding him sitting in a small booth towards the back of the bar.

Seeing him just sitting there made me realize I was going to need a drink if I was going to survive this. Rushing over to the bar, I point to the table and tell the bartender to keep the drinks coming.

I take a deep breath then slowly begin to make my way towards the table. I watch as Gavi turns his head and notices I'm here, a small smile spreading across his face.

Shit i forgot how much I loved that smile.

"Hey Mae," he says as I take a seat.

As much as I want to match his friendliness, I can't let myself do that. I can't let myself forget how he chose to abandon me and Milo.

"Pedri said you wanted to talk," I respond blankly, trying my best to hide my emotions.

"Oh ya I wanted to-"

"Here's your drinks. I'll make sure to keep them coming," the waitress interupts, playing two drinks on our table.

"Figured we might need them so drink up,'' I murmur before taking a big drink. Gavi just nods his head before doing the same.

I turn my attention back to him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"What were you about to say?" I ask.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That we have a kid?"

His words freeze me in place. What does he mean? I thought- I thought that he knew?

"I texted you three years ago telling you I was pregnant. I don't know why you're acting like you had no idea," I scroff.

"So it's true then," Gavi whispers, almost sounding astonished.

I take another big sip of my drinking, finishing it off. The waitress comes over just a few moments later with another drink, which I quickly gulp down.

"Can I meet him?" Gavi asks.

"Why the hell would you want to meet him? You told me you wanted nothing to do with him," I laugh, amazed that he has the guts to even ask that.

"Mae I never sent that text," he says, shaking his head.

Why the hell did he sound so sincere when he said that?

"So who the hell sent it then? And what about you not responding to all of the photos and videos i sent?" I question.

"I lost my phone a while ago and had to get a new number so that's why i never got the photos. And maybe someone took my phone and responded when you sent the first text. When did you send it?"

I pull up the text to see what the date was when I sent it.

"September 18, 2029. Why do you need to know that?" I ask.

"Well maybe I have a photo from that date that will show who I was with," he explains.

That's actually kind of genius. He scrolls through his photos when all of a sudden he stops and just stares at his phone. His eyes slowly make their way up to mine.

"Have you talked to Rosa in a while?"

"No, I haven't talked to her in forever. I did run into her a year ago and suggested we hang out, but she completely blew me off. Why do you ask?"

He hands me his phone and I'm greeted with a photo of Gavi and Rosa. Gavi is looking at the camera, clearly confused, while Rosa has a giant smile on her face. What the hell?

"Rosa took that on my phone on September 18, 2029. That was also the day that I had lost my old phone," he murmurs.

Rosa sent the text....?

"Where was this taken?"

"Rosa had invited me over saying that you were there and wanted to talk to me. When i showed up you weren't there. Turned out she wanted to hang out. She told me that-"

"Let me guess. She has feelings for you?" I sneer, gulping my third drink down. I should have known. Turns our Rosa was a jealous bitch.

"Ya. After leaving, I couldn't find my phone. I really didn't want to talk to Rosa again after all of that so I just ended up getting a new one," he admits.

Holy fucking shit.

The realization of all of this finally sets in. Gavi had no idea I was pregnant. He had no idea we had a kid. He never said that he didn't want to be a part of Milo's life. This- this was...

A lot.

The waitress brings me and Gavi another drink, and almost in sync, we both gulp it down. Thirty minutes later I'm hella drunk.

"I want to go home," I murmur, resting my head on the table.

"You can't drive home," Gavi sighs as he pays the bill.

Both of us are clearly drunk and in no condition to drive home.

"I don't need to drive. I live like 10 minutes away," I argue.

"Well lead the way then. You're definitely not walking home alone so I'm coming with you," he says as he lifts me to my feet.

I'm in no state to argue so I simply let him walk next to me as we make our way back to my apartment. Once we arrive, I find Milo's babysitter, Sofi, sitting on the couch. I quickly pay her then she leaves, leaving Gavi and I alone.

I'm too drunk to process how us being alone together is a bad idea.

"Mae, I'm sorry-"

"Just shut up," I whisper as I inch closer to him.

"What are you doing?" her murmurs, his eyes moving slowly down to my lips.

Three years is a long time to be away from someone who makes you feel so good. Three years is just too long.

I can't stop myself as I smash my lips against his. He's taken back for just a moment, before meeting my eagerness. I forgot how good it felt to kiss him. I pull him towards my bedroom before pulling him closer to me, eager for his lips to me against mine once again.

I know this is a bad idea, but I also know it's impossible to stop.

IT FINALLY HAPPENED GUYS!! THEY FINALLY ARE REUNITED!! Who's excited because I know that I am. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! this also means that we are getting close to the end :( Anyways, next chapter is coming out on Thursday! (8/24/23)

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