Chapter Eighteen

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Gavi's Perspective

Pedri pulls me towards his car, away from the restaurant. We get in, and he instantly takes his glass and hat off. He looks mad. Like really mad.

"Care to explain what the hell just happened?" Pedri demands.

I take a deep breath, trying to get rid of all the rage that's wanting to explode at that moment.

"That guy- He-"

"Just spit it out already."

I can tell that Pedri is pissed. I mean, I don't blame him. That could have ended so much worse.

"He just said some messed up stuff," I try to explain.

"What did he say that was so messed up that you had to go and get in a fight?" he asks, still completely confused.

"Just stuff about Mae," I admit.

I watch as his eyes soften, his expression going from angry to a bit sad.


"Is that a good enough answer?" I ask, hoping he won't press for more information.

"Ya," is all he says.

"Can we get going now?" I ask.

I just want to get home and text Mae. With all that's just happened, it would be nice to hear her voice, or even better, see her face.

"Ya, I'll drop you off at your place."

Twenty minutes later I'm back at my place, staring at my phone.

I can't decide whether I should text Mae. I don't want to be nosy and ask her about what happened if she doesn't feel comfortable talking about it, but at the same time, I need to make sure that she is ok.

Screw it.

I pick up my phone and find her contact, and hit the call button. It rings for a moment, then she picks it up.

"Hello?" Hearing her voice sends a comforting feeling through my body.

"Uh, hey Mae. It's Gavi. I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" I ask, a bit nervous she'll reject my offer.

"Sure! Where do you want to go?"

Uh oh. I didn't really think this through. I look out the window and see that the sun will be setting soon, meaning it will be dark and there's no reason to be wearing a hat and sunglasses. I guess I'll just have to come up with some excuse.

"Well, is there anywhere you've been wanting to go? I could give you a tour of the city if you want!" I suggest.

If we are outside then maybe my disguise might not seem too ridiculous.

"Ya, that sounds fun! Do you have a car though? How will we get around?"

That's when I get an idea.

"Have you ever rode on a motorcycle?"

When I turned 18, I didn't really see the need to get a driver's license right away. To be honest, I wasn't all that excited about driving. But once I did, I loved it. Driving made me feel so independent and boosted my adrenaline.

When I turned 20, I knew I wanted something new.  So, I bought a motorcycle. I loved riding it, and spent most of my free time riding around the city and finding cool spots to spend some time away from the crowds.

Over time, Pedri started to get worried that I would hurt myself. Being Pedri, he made me promise that I wouldn't ride it as much. I don't why, but he kind of ruined the magic of all of it. I haven't ridden it in a couple of months or so.

Luckily, right now was the perfect opportunity.

"A motorcycle? You have a motorcycle?" Mae asks, shocked.

"Obviously! You couldn't tell?" I joke.

"Not at all," she laughs.

"So how does that sound? A motorcycle ride around the city with your own personal tour guide. It doesn't get better than that!"

She is silent for a moment, then says, "You promise not to crash?"

"I promise."

Thirty minutes later, I'm outside my apartment, standing next to my motorcycle with a helmet in my hand. I already have mine on and made sure to throw on a hoodie. I brought a pair of glasses to wear, but no hat. She won't be able to tell who I am just because of my hair, right? Besides, it will be dark.

Suddenly I feel two hand wrap around my neck, and a soft voice whisper in my ear, "Guess who it is?"

"Hmmmm I wonder who it could be...."

I grab her hands and spin around, pulling her into me.

"Oh my gosh! It's Mae! What a suprise seeing you here," I joke.

"Haha real funny."

I let go of her and hand her the helmet.

"You ready for your tour of the beautiful city of Barcelona?"

"I've never been more ready," she says, strapping the helmet onto her head.

I help her onto the back, then take my seat at the front of the motorcycle.

"Where should I put my hands?" she asks.

"Uh, you can just wrap them around me if you want. It's probably the safest," I point out.

I've never actually had someone ride on it with me. I mean, the only other person who knows I have this is Pedri, and would always refuse when I offered to take him for a ride. I'm a bit scared, considering I really don't want to crash and kill us both.

"You better not crash us," she mumbles.

"Can't make any promises," I joke.

"That is not funny-"

Before she can finish her sentence, I take off, zooming down the street. I feel as her arms squeeze me tighter, and I can't help but smile.

Gavi on a motorcycle seems like a very dangerous idea. I could totally imagine him having one when he is older though, right? Do you agree? Also, sorry that this chapter is so short. I've been very busy lately with school and sports, but I will try to make the next few chapters longer! Next chapter is coming out on Monday! (5/15/23)

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