Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mae's Perspective

"Hey, can I get off my shift now," I ask Linda, my boss.

She glances over to where Gavi sits and says, "Ya, but you gotta finish serving your table over."

"Oh, uh, that's kind of my boyfriend. I'll still serve him of course, I just wanted to sit down with him and eat if you don't mind."

She pauses to think for a moment, then looks around the restaurant. Not many tables are occupied, as only a few beings are seated and eating.

"You know what, just go sit down and I'll send over someone else to serve you guys. There's barely anyone in here so it's really no big deal," she smiles.

"Thank you Linda," I smile, handing her our order and heading back over to the table.

I tell Gavi the good news and quickly head to grab my bag from the kitchen. As I head back towards the table, I spot a familiar face out of the corner of my eye.


I rush back to the table and quickly take a seat.

"What's wrong?" Gavi asks, concerned by the worried look on my face.

He looks around the restaurant, and I watch as his eyes land on Camilio and his gaze darkens.

"Hey, you good?" I ask, a bit concerned by the look on his face.

My words seem to snap him back to reality, as he turns to meet my gaze.

"Ya, I'm okay," he manages to say.

I take a seat at the table and his hand reaches for mine.

"Are you okay?' he asks me reassuringly.

His gaze flicks to where Camilio now sits.

What the-

"Ya, why wouldn't I be?" I respond, trying to force out a smile.

"Uh, okay. Just so you know, you can talk to me okay," he smiles, squeezing my hand then letting go so that he can take a sip of his drink.

"Ya, I know."

Before he can say anything, a waitress brings our food. My savior!

"Wow, this looks delicious," I comment, trying to change the topic.

"It certainly does. You're lucky you get to work at a place like this," he points out.

"Uh, I wouldn't say working my butt off in college for four years just to end up working as a waitress lucky," I joke.

"Oof. Can't really say I relate," he laughs.

"Oh excuse me Mr. fancy, mystery job. Not all of us can be as perfect as you," I respond sarcastically.

"What do you do for work?" I add.

He's silent for a moment, clearly unsure what to say.

"Oh I work at that company right near Camp Nou," he says.

I try to think of what he is talking about, then I remember the tall, new looking building that's right down the street from Camp Nou.

"I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. Damn, you work there?"

Honestly, I'm pretty amazed. Just from the building I can tell he must have a good job.

"Uh, ya, I do," he says awkwardly.

"Wow, I'm jealous. As much as getting discounts here is awesome, I really need a real job."

"You know, I could try to get you a job," he blurts out.

"At my workplace," he adds.

That would actually be awesome. Being able to work close to home, and at a company like that! It would be perfect.

"Really? That would be amazing," I squeal.

"Of course. Anything for you," he smiles.

We finish up our food and wait as the waiter clears our food and brings the check. We quickly pay and get ready to leave. I glance over to the door, and notice Camilio is sitting right next to the exit. Meaning? Meaning we'll have to walk right by him to leave. Well that's just great.

We get up to leave, and Gavi pulls me in, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I look up to see him smiling down at me.

"What?" I ask, smiling back at him.

"Nothing," he says, pulling me in for a quick kiss.

We walk out of the restaurant and start to head back to the car. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank god nothing happened.

"Hey Mae! You really weren't gonna say hi?" I hear an obnoxious voice ask behind me.

I spoke too soon.

"Just keep walking," I whisper.

"Don't worry, my car's right there," he reassures me, pointing to the car only a few feet away.

We quickly walk over and get in. I glance over to watch as Camilio looks around for a moment, then heads back to the restaurant. That was a close one.

"You good?" Gavi asks.

"Uh, ya. I think so, I respond, trying to get myself together.

I fucking hate Camilio. For everything. He's a total dick and I would honestly be happy if he got hit by a car and died.

"Um, I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but, I know what happened," he whispers.

This catches me off guard. He.....knows?

"I know what happened with that guy. I, uh, overheard him and some guy talking about what he did...." his voice trails off as he finishes his sentence.


"It's no big deal. I'm fine," I respond, trying to brush it off.

It's in the past, and if I'm being honest, I'd like to leave it in the past.

"Okay, uh, just know that you can talk to me, okay?" he says, placing his hand on mine.

Damn, how did I get so lucky?

"Thanks," I smile, leaning in to kiss him.

"You sure you're okay?" he whispers, slightly pulling his lips away from mine.

"I'm sure," I smile, bringing my lips back to his.

Gosh, every time I kiss him it feels like fireworks. Freaking fireworks. I don't want this to end.

"Wanna go back to my place?" I whisper.

"You sure?" he asks, a little shocked by my question.

"Ya, definitely," I smile, kissing him again.

Uhhhhh so ya. There will most likely be no more Camilio, so yay! Sorry for another short chapter. I wasn't really sure what to include in this chapter so we're just gonna stop it here and continue into the next chapter! Still trying to truly figure out where I want to go with the story! Next chapter is coming out on Wednesday! (5/24/23)

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