Chapter Forty-Four

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Gavi's Perspective

Taking a break wasn't all that bad. In fact, nothing had really changed. Before I had left for the USA, we just made sure to keep our distance. Other than that, everything has been the same. We still text each other 24/7, and always call and keep in touch. I mean ya, we're oceans away and in completely different time zones, but we've made it work.

The end of July is near, meaning we only have one more game before our tour in America comes to an end. Our final game is in Los Angeles, California against Arsenal. It will be a fun game, and hopefully we will pull through with a win.

As much fun as this tour has been, getting to meet our fans and playing teams from other leagues, I just want it to be over so that I can go home and hopefully be with Mae.

"Hey, how does it sound going out to one of those LA clubs after the game? A few of the guys suggested it, and it sounds like fun," Pedri asks, peeking his head into my room.

He's been my roommate for the whole trip, but we've been lucky and have been staying in rooms with two bedrooms. That way if he's too annoying, I'm able to just lock myself away in my room.

"Who's going?" I ask.

"Whoever wants too. Shouldn't be a problem with us all being there since I don't think anyone here in LA actually cares about us. They care more about dumb rip-off American football instead of actual football," he jokes.

"Okay that sounds like fun," I tell him.

My mind has been filled with thoughts of Mae nonstop. Maybe this will be a good distraction to get my mind off of her.

The next day is our game against arsenal. In the end, we secure a 1-0 win. Although the win doesn't count towards anything, it still feels good.

After the game we all head back to our rooms. The game was at 4:00. And it's currently 6:30, meaning we have the rest of the night to do whatever we want. As long as we are back here by 10:00 am tomorrow, which is when we are supposed to leave for the airport.

Pedri and I quickly take showers and get dressed, before heading down to the lobby to meet whoever else is coming. We find Alejandro, Raphinha, Pablo, Julián, Jules, and Ronald all waiting for us.

"Are you guys ready to go? The place is a 25 minute walk so we better get going," Jules says.

"Yup, all ready. Let's go party!" Pedri exclaims.

I swear, he's the most on and off person. Sometimes he acts all quiet and nice, and other times he's a complete asshole who likes to party. I prefer the quiet and nice version of him if I'm being honest.

After the 25 minute walk, we arrive at the club. As we walk in, the sound of loud music and cheers fill my ears. I look around the room to find that it is completely packed. I forgot how much I hate crowded places like this. I wish Mae was here.

Shit. I forgot I was supposed to be forgetting Mae.

"You want a drink?" Pedri asks, noticing the concerned look on my face.

I nod my head and he guides me over to the bar, where we both take a seat. I watch as he orders our drinks, then points to me and tells the bartender to keep the drinks coming. I guess it was really obvious I'm upset.

The bartender brings me my drink, and I down it quickly, eager to clear Mae from my thoughts. It's not that I don't want to think about her, it's just that every time I think about her, I think about what we've become, and it hurts.

The bartender listens to Pedri's words, and continues bringing me drink after drink once I've finished the last. Soon, I've drunk so much that the room has begun to spin. Yup, I'm wasted.

I look up at the ceiling and admire the pretty lights. I love pretty lights. Pretty lights make me happy. Why was I even sad before? Was it because of my girlfriend? Ha, that's crazy talk! I don't have a girlfriend. I'm a single pringle.

"Hey handsome," I hear someone say.

I turn to my right and find a girl taking a seat next to me.

"Hey there," I say, my words slurring a bit.

"Are you single?" she asks, grinning at me.

Am I single? I think so. I can't really remember anything right now.

"Uh hu," is all I manage to say.

I don't really remember what happened after that. I think she kissed me, and there was a bright light, like someone was taking a picture or recording. I don't know.

Next thing I knew, Pedri was shaking me, telling me to wake up.

"Bro, you got to wake up. You need to see this," he says as he shakes my body violently.

"What is it?" I groan, feeling the massive headache beginning to form. I really shouldn't have drunk so much.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he questions, his voice filled with concern.

I try to recall what happened last, but everything seems blurry.

"No, not really. I just remember getting wasted. How did I even get back here?"

"I dragged your ass back here. You're welcome by the way."

"Anyways, why do you care if I remember what happened last night? I mean, nothing bad occurred, right?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything. Why the hell is he not saying anything?

"I tried to stop her, but it was too late. I guess her and her friends recognized you, and you were too drunk to realize what was going on," he sighs as he takes out his phone.

He opens Tik Tok, and pulls up a video before handing it over to me.


That's what the flashing was. A phone recording that girl kissing me.

Shit shit shit.

The video is already viral, with over 50K likes and hundreds of comments. I open them and what I find is not good.

"Guess Gavi already moved on"

"This girl is so much prettier than that other nobody"

"What an upgrade"

"Haha, lucky Gavi gets to hook up with that hottie"

Shit, what have I done?

Pedri doesn't say anything as he slowly takes the phone from my hand.

"I charged your phone for you after it died last night. You should probably check it."

I take the phone from him and immediately open my texts. I'm not sure what I should be hoping for. I click on Mae and I's messages and-


Three words. That's it. Just three words, and a video.

The horrible video of me kissing the girl, and the three words.

"We are done."

Guys, I am very very very sorry. Please don't hate me. It's not the end, I promise. This chapter actually hurt to write. The pain isn't over, so be ready for next chapter, which is coming out on Monday. (7/31/23)

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