Chapter Thirty-Six

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Mae's Perspective

Gavi and I sit in silence once I finish my story. I can tell he's trying to process all of the information I just piled on top of him.

I'm trying my hardest to stay strong and not break down. Reliving all of that hurts, and it's taking everything I have to not just start crying my eyes out.

"How long did you guys date for?" Is what he finally says.

"About six months," is all I say.

More silence.

"Look, Gavi. I didn't want to keep any of this from you, but if I'm being honest, it's something that I've tried to put in the past," I whisper.

"I get it. It's fine," he says quietly.

I don't think it really is fine. I mean, I don't blame him.


"Why didn't you tell me?" he turns to me, his eyes filled with hurt.

"I don't know. I guess I was ashamed and a bit embarrassed. It's something that I've always just tried to forget," I admit.

It's the truth. Christian made me feel like a complete idiot for falling in love with him. It's something I've never been proud of thanks to him.

"Oh," is all he says.

"And I think I was a bit afraid to. Everything was going so well when we started dating, and I guess I thought if I told you, you might think less of me or something. I know, pretty stupid," I laugh, trying to hide the tears falling from my eyes.

"Shit Mae, I'm sorry," Gavi says, pulling me in for a hug.

The second he wraps his arms around me, I finally let myself break down. I think that all the pain Christian caused me just built up over the years, since I always tried to push away my feelings. But seeing him here and hearing him say he wanted me back was the last straw. The fact that he seemed completely oblivious to everything he did to me, the manipulation, the verbal abuse, fucking hurts.

"Hey, I'm here for you, okay Mae? I will never leave you, I promise," he whispers as he holds me tight.

Sitting here, in Gavi's arms, makes me realize that although Christian hurt me, it's not permanent. Gavi and I's relationship are proof of that. I thought that after Christian, I would never love again. Yet here I am, with a man I would do anything for.

"I love you," I say, looking up to meet Gavi's eyes.

"I love more than you could ever imagine, and I have no idea how I got so lucky ending up with you," I smile, as I press my lips to his.

"I love you too Mae."

GUYS!!! I am so sorry that this is such a short chapter! I wanted this chapter to just be Mae and Gavi talking about the past and stuff and didn't want to move onto the next event. Also, I'm sorry if you found the chapter cheesy, but that's kind of the whole point. Please don't hate me for the short chapter though! I promise the next one will be longer! Anyways, next chapter is coming out on Friday! (7/7/23)

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