Chapter Fifteen

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Gavi's Perspective

I don't know why, but seeing her in my t-shirt just made me feel something. I'm not really sure what, but I do know that it was something that I don't ever feel.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asks, blush slowly creeping onto her face.

"No reason," I smirk.

"Whatever," she scoffs as she walks past me into my kitchen.

I follow close behind, curious on what she's doing.

"Do you have food? You kinda spilled my lunch all over me."

"Oh shoot I guess I did," I realize as I rush to look in the fridge to see if I have anything.

To my disappointment, there's nothing.

"Turns out I don't really have anything but-"

I'm cut off by the loud sound of my front door being slammed open and Pedri yelling, "DUDE! Someone just gave me like a million bombas, for free! I rushed right over here cause I know you were probably-"

He freezes the second he sees Mae, standing in my kitchen. I don't even know how to react. I just stand there, frozen, unsure of what to do.

"Oh, uh, I didn't realize you had company, especially a girl..." Pedri manages to say. I'm definitely going to beat the shit out of him later.

"Mae, this is a friend of mine-"

"Pedri. You really think I wouldn't know that?" she turns to me, her eyebrows raised. She's definitely suspicious.

"He's just an old friend of mine, you know, from school and stuff. I've known him since I was like five." I try to play it cool, trying not to blow my cover.

"Oh really?"

Mae's Perspective

The second Pedri, THE Barcelona super star burst into Gavi's apartment, I had to admit, I was confused. And the fact that Pedri was completely shocked, made it even more confusing. Maybe Gavi just hadn't ever had a girl over?

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mae," I say, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Oh I know who you are. Gavi talks about you all the time," he jokes, clearly trying to embarrass Gavi.

The fact that Pedri knows who i am, totally excites me. He's an actual player on THE BEST team ever, and here I am, shaking his hand and talking to him. It's a literal dream.

Pedri sets the bombas down at the table, where we all take a seat and start to dig in. Silence fills the atmosphere, so I decide to speak up.

"Not to be an annoying fan or anything, but I got to ask. What's it like playing for Barcelona?"

Instead of being annoyed, he happily responds.

"It's awesome. Playing for a team with such a good dynamic and skill level is just amazing. It's nice being on a team that works so well together and is able to control the ball so well. And the fans. It's so exhilarating playing at Camp Nou and having thousands of people cheering you on and supporting you," he says, his voice filled with passion.

I turn to find Gavi with a giant smile on his face.

"Whatchu smiling at?"

He seems caught off guard for a moment, then says,"Oh, I- I bet it's just really uh cool playing for Barcelona, you know?"

"I know right?? Oooo I bet playing in an El Clasico is absolutely epic. I can't wait to get to see one!"

"They are pretty epic. My favorite part has got to be watching Gavi and Vinicius Jr. clash. Their rivalry is a good one," Pedri replies.

"Oh please. There's no rivalry," Gavi comments, clearly annoyed by Pedri's words.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, curious on why he thinks that. It's clear that Gavi and Vinicious Jr have always gone at each other in games. Although for a while Vini may have been seen as the better player, Gavi has improved so much over the past years and the debate is one that can't be settled easily.

"I don't know. I mean, Vinicius is a lot more experienced and older than Gavi. I just dont think there is much of a rivalry, since they are two players who are so different and on different levels," he mumbles.

"No way you actually think that," Pedri blurts out, both concerned and shocked by his words. I don't blame him. I know that he and Barcelona Gavi are very close, so to hear his other friend talk about him like that must shock him.

"You're kidding, right?" I add in, taking Pedri's side in the debate.

"I mean sure, Gavi may have not been as good as him years ago, but now, he's a completely different player. Everything about him has improved, and he has definitely matured as a player. He's come a long way, and is for sure on the same level as Vinicius. It's something that everyone knows!"

Gavi stares at me in awe. I can tell my words really got to him.

"Ya, I guess you're right," he admits before taking a bite into another bomba.

The three of us continue to talk for a while, before Pedri says he has to go.

"It's been fun! It was really nice meeting you Mae," Pedri says as he heads to the door, with gavi and i trailing behind.

"It was really nice meeting you too! Thank you for the bombas!" I exclaim. They were delicious and I probably ate like 20.

"Welp, I guess all get going! Have fun, you two lovebirds!" he cackles, before Gavi shoves him out the door.

"Don't come back," Gavi yells, before closing the door.

Although i can't see his eyes because of the sunglasses, I can tell he has an annoyed look on his face.

"You look cute when you're annoyed," I giggle.

My comment seems to catch him off guard.

"Oh- Uh, really?" he asks, a bit embarrassed.

"Yes silly," I say, placing a quick kiss on his cheek, causing a wide smile to appear on his face.

I check my phone and am shocked to see a million texts from Rosa. They all pretty much say the same thing; "help meeee" or "I'm having an identity crisis right now" or my favorite, "my life is over". She is a total drama queen.

"Ugh, my roommate needs me home I guess. Apparently she's having an identity crisis and needs my help," I say, showing him texts.

"Oof, that sounds rough. I guess you'll have to leave then?" he asks, disappointed.

"Sadly, yes."

Now I really want bombas. Yes, I know, in reality it would be pretty obvious Gavi is actually Gavi. But for the sake of the story, how about we pretend that it isn't obvious, okay? Next chapter is coming out Monday! (5/8/23)

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