Chapter Forty-Six

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Mae's Perspective

Two months. Two months since my life fell apart.

After the break up, I realized I just needed some space. I need to be away from all of the places that reminded me of the time that Gavi and I had spent together. I ended up moving to a different apartment; one where I couldn't see Camp Nou from it.

Rosa was disappointed, but she understood why. I honestly think she was a little happy that she would be having an empty apartment where she didn't need to worry about me barging in on her hooking up with someone.

I have to admit that living alone is very lonely. Me and Rosa still hang out, but it's just not the same. The only thing that has been distracting me from all of this is work.

Lately, work has been the only place where I can go and completely forget about everything else. The day I take over is near, so there have been so many more things that need to be done lately.

Antonio's health has been declining a lot lately, and he's been most of his days in the hospital. It really hurts, considering how close we've grown. At this point, he's become a father figure; someone I can feel safe talking to.

"Mae, are you done with the paperwork?" Romero asks.

I look up to find Romero standing behind me, smiling down at me.

"What?" I ask, confused for a moment. I hadn't realized how deep in thought I was.

"The paperwork? I was just asking if you were done with it?" he laughs a little.

"Oh yes, I'm done with it," I say, handing it over to him.

"What were you thinking about? You seemed very lost in thought," he points out.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

It's not like I'm about to tell him how I was thinking about how messed up my life has become in the past two months.

"Oh, okay. Anyways, I was wondering if you were free later. Me and some of my friends were thinking of going out for some drinks later, and I was wondering if you would want to join us?"

His question did surprise me a bit. Was he asking me out? Maybe? Eh, probably not. If he was, would I be happy? Romero wasn't bad looking. He had dirty blond hair, with beautiful blue eyes, and a nice smile to match his nice face. I'm pretty sure I remember someone mentioning that he was in his late twenties, which was impressive considering his position at the company.

The last thing I needed was a relationship though. I was still heartbroken from how things ended with Gavi, even if i didn't want to admit it. But would it hurt just grabbing a drink with him? Besides, his friends would be there, and romero and i are just friends.

"Sure, why not. Just let me know where and when, and I'll meet you there,'' I smile before turning back to my computer.

When I walked into the bar, I started to regret coming here. Why was I doing this? I found Romero and his friends sitting at a booth, and headed over to them. Romero greeted me, then introduced me to his friends and their girlfriends. Everyone seemed nice and we started talking, when suddenly one of the girls asked me something that I was hoping everyone would have already forgotten.

"Hey Mae, is it true that you dated Gavi the footballer?" the girl asks.

Everyone went silent, turning to me and waiting for my answer. What the fuck am I supposed to say.

"Uh, well-"

"Did he really cheat on you with that girl in LA? I saw a Tik Tok about it," another person points out.

Shit shit shit.

Everything is coming back to me, and it fucking hurts. I need to get out of here.

"I need some air," I mutter before grabbing my things and heading outside, leaving everyone in my dust.

I'm halfway to my car when suddenly I feel someone pull me back. I turn around to find romero.

"Hey, are you leaving already? We haven't even got our drinks yet," he says, his voice sounding a bit disappointed.

"Uh, ya, sorry. I'm just really tired and need to go home and get some rest."

"If this is about what my friends were asking the I'm really sorry-"

"No, it's not." I say, cutting him off.

"Okay, well, maybe I can see you some other time?" he asks hopefully.

"Maybe," i smile before running off to my car.

I gave it a shot, hanging out with other people. But this is what I didn't want to happen. I think I'll just stick to spending my time alone, at home, with no one asking about Gavi.

Even just thinking about him makes me feel sick to my stomach. That's when I realize that I actually do feel sick. I make it into my apartment just in time. I run to the bathroom and throw up.

What the hell?

Mae is a single queen, and she doesn't need no man. She's just like me :) Anyways, hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Next one is coming out on Sunday! (8/6/23)

ALSO GUESS WHO I SAW!!! This was the only photo I got but I did get to see him better! Sadly he didn't play but I still saw him!!!

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ALSO GUESS WHO I SAW!!! This was the only photo I got but I did get to see him better! Sadly he didn't play but I still saw him!!!

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