Chapter Forty-Two

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Mae's Perspective

Was it bad that I no longer wanted this position as CEO? I mean don't get me wrong, being a CEO would practically be a dream come true. It's something I always wanted to happen. Yet, I didn't realize what came along with it.

The pressure from everyone to make sure the company is running smoothly, the competitors waiting for you to make a wrong move. When it comes to a company like TTS International, there's so many eyes watching you, so many people wanting to know more and more about you.

Each day I spend with Antonio, he's giving me one more reason why I wouldn't want this. I know he isn't doing it on purpose or anything. He's just trying to help me and make sure that I truly understand what I am signing up for.

The crazy thing is that although I've only been shadowing him for a little over two months, I feel ready. There's still things that I need to understand, but if I stepped into the position as CEO, I think I would be successful.

Anotonio knows this. Everyday he hints at it, hints at how I could be taking over soon. He never says when or why. I have a feeling he doesn't have much time left. We've grown close, and I can tell he's become slower, his body more tired. All not good signs.

Everytime I try to ask him about it, I always get the same answer.

"What are you planning to do when I take over Antonio?" I'll ask him.

"Oh Mae, I'll be gone," is all he'll say.

It's not very reassuring knowing that the one person who could help you when you take over, the one person who'll understand the pressure, will be gone when you take over.

At least I have Gavi. As a footballer he too is under a lot of pressure, so at least we both have that in common.

I look at the clock and realize I can probably head home. It's 17:00 (5:00pm), but anotino had already went home a few hours ago after he was feeling a bit faint. I stayed behind to look over some things, but most of it is done.

I gather up my things, then grab my phone. When I turn it on, I'm absolutely shocked by the amount of notifications I have.

I quickly scroll through them, and notice most of them are notifications from Instagram where I was tagged in photos. I click on one them to see what it is and-


Shit shit shit.

All of the photos are of me and Gavi while we were in Madrid. In most of the photos, you can clearly see that it is Gavi and I. Along with those photos, there are some of us after the Champions League final. Us talking, him whispering in my ear, the two of us laughing. All of the posts are captioned "Gavi's New Girlfriend?" or "Gavi and his Secret Relationship!"

I don't stop myself from scrolling through the rest of the posts. Some people have already made the connection that I was the girl he gave his jersey to, and how we must have been dating for awhile then.

I realize I should probably call Gavi and ask if he has seen any of this yet. I quickly dial his number, and wait for him to answer.

"Mae, hi. I'm so sorry, I've been meaning to call you-"

"So have you seen all of it?" I ask, cutting him off.

"Yes. I'm so sorry Mae," he sighs.

"Hey, none of this is your fault," I explain, trying to comfort him.

"But it is. I was stupid and should've covered up in Madrid," he admits.

"How were you supposed to know some creep would take pictures of us? It's not your fault and don't you dare try to make yourself guilty," I insist.

"You're right. Are you home?" he asks.

"Almost. Probably about five more minutes. Wanna come over?"

"Me and Pedri are actually already here. Rosa let us in. I thought we could have dinner, but then all of this happened, so I guess we should stay in and eat," he says.

"Okay sounds good. See you soon."

I hang up the phone and pick up the pace, eager to get home. TTS International's building isn't too far from my place, about a 20 minute walk. If I'm not in a rush or anything, most days I'll walk.

When I finally get home, I walk into the apartment to find Rosa and Pedri fighting over something, and Gvai just sitting on his phone. Only Gavi notices me entering the apartment, while the other two are too deep into their argument to even realize I have arrived.

"Hey love," he murmurs, giving me a big hug.

I just tell by the way he's acting that he does feel guilty for all of this.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask.

He nods his head, then gives me another hug.

"Those two seem to be quite friendly with each other," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"Those two? Nah, I'm pretty sure they hate each other," he smiles.

I glance over at them and find Rosa flipping him off, before walking over to me and Gavi.

She greets me then turns to Gavi and says, "Gavi, your friend is an annoying asshole."

"I heard that you know," Pedri mumbles as walks over to us.

"Mae, your friend is a total bully. I don't know how you're friends with her," Pedri says as he glares at Rosa.

"Sounds like someone else I know," Gavi mutters, earning himself a glare from Pedri.

"Rosa, I'm surprised you haven't been nicer to Pedri. Aren't you the one who asked me to set you up with one of Gavi's teammates?" I smile, causing a bring blush to spread across Rosa's face.

"Awww, do you have a crush on me Rosa?" Pedri teases.

"Ew, you wish. I just asked her to set me up with one of his hot teammates, not you. You're definitely not my time," Rosa retorts.

"Hey, I'm hot!" Pedri exclaims.

"Ha, you wish," Rosa laughs.

All of a sudden, the two of them are arguing again. I can't help but laugh at how perfect they are together.

"What are we going to do about all of the pictures and stuff? You know that it's going to cause problems," Gavi asks, pulling my attention away from Pedri and Rosa.

"I don't think there's really anything we can do about it. The best thing to do I think is to just let it pass over," I admit.

It's not like we can get all the photos taken down, and magically erase everyone's memories. All we can do is just hope none of this causes any problems....

Guys...... what did you think? Do you think that this is going to cause problems? Also, Rosa and Pedri are pretty funny together, don't you think? Just would like to warn you to please prepare yourself for the next chapter. 😶 It's going to be coming out on Tuesday! (7/25/23)

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