Chapter Thirty-Three

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Mae's Perspective


Christian Santos, the Brazilian youngster, who came from humble beginnings, and worked his way up in the football world. My savior, my boyfriend, my destroyer, my ex.

The man who I thought loved me, but in the end, it was all a lie. He took everything from me, and one thing I knew for sure was that I would never forgive him.

"Mae, come on! Why are you being like this?" he yells rushing after me.

I quickly walk towards the elevator, eager to get out of here, but he quick, and blocks my only way out. I really need Gavi to get here.

"What the hell do you want Christian?" I ask emotionlessly.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks, a bit hurt, as if he's completely forgotten about all the things he did to me in the past.

"You better be fucking joking right now," I laugh.

"I really don't understand what your problem is. I was just trying to talk to you," he says seriously.

"Oh so you're not joking? I seriously can't believe you! Your acting like fucking nothing happened, when you know damn well you have no right to be talking to me," I exclaim, completely done with this shit.

"You know you really fucked me up. Ya, everything happened four years ago and ya, it still hurts. Do you even realize what you did? Clearly not, because here you are, trying to fucking talk to me!" I continue.

He stares at me, clearly confused.

"Mae, look, I'm sorry-"

"No, don't even try to fucking apologize. You don't deserve my forgiveness," I cut him off.

"Fine, okay, I won't say sorry. But please, just hear me out," he begs.

As much as i would love to just run away and leave him in my fucking dust, Gavi's not here yet, and I really have no other way of getting out of year.

"Fine, go ahead. It's not going to change anything though," I shrug.

"Look, what I did to you in the past was messed up, I understand. And the truth is, I've realized that, and I've changed. I'm a better person now, and I want a second chance. We can make this work. We can make us work! All you gotta do is just take the job offer, and trust me," he smiles, moving closer to me.

Is he serious right now?

"I can't believe you just said that," I laugh.


"Are you out of your goddamn mind? Did you not just hear all the things I said? Never, ever, would I get back together with you. Never in a million years. I've moved. I mean, I have a great home, a great boyfriend a-"

"A boyfriend? You have a fucking boyfriend?" he asks, his gaze darkening.

"It's been four years! I mean what did you think would happen? You know what, I'm done with shit!" I yell, beginning to walk away.

I make it a few feet before he grabs my arms and pulls me back.

"Who the hell is he Mae?"

"What the fuck Christain? Let me go," I insist, trying to pull myself away from.

"Tell me who he is," he demands, refusing to let me go.

"Christian, your fucking hurting me. Let me go," I yelp out in pain.

'Not until you tell me who he is-"

"I'm pretty sure she told you to let go," someone says.

I turn to find Gavi walking over towards us. Thank fucking god.

"What the hell are you doing here? Is he the guy your fucking dating?" Christian asks, finally letting go of my arm.

"No," I say quickly, eager to not reveal our relationship.

Gavi pulls me behind him, and steps forward to face Christian.

"She's just a friend of my sister who needed a ride, and I happened to be
in town. You excited for our match tomorrow?" Gavi smiles innocently.

God, he's so hot when he's confident. Shit, I guess I probably shouldn't be thinking about that right.

"Is she now? Is that true Mae?" Christian asks, turning to me.

"Yup. Why else would he be here?" I lie.

"Mhm, sure," Christian mutters, clearly not believing a lie.

"Well, we should probably get going, right Mae?" Gavi asks, turning to me.

I quickly nod my head, and we start to walk away, but Christian says, "Hey! I wasn't done talking to you Mae!"

He tries to reach out to me, but Gavi quickly steps in front of me to block him.

"I'm pretty sure she was done," Gavi argues.

Christian sizes him up for a moment before saying, "Oh ya? Well I wasn't! Whatcha gonna do about it?"

Gavi just stares at him for a moment, quite aware of what Christian's intentions are. Instead of doing anything, Gavi just laughs.

"I'm not going to fight you. You know what we'll do? We'll settle this on the field," Gavi smiles, before grabbing my hand to hold it and walk away, leaving both confused and angry Christian in our dust.

We get in the car, and watch as Christian stomps away towards the elevator, and disappears from our sight.

It's in that moment that everything hits me, and the tears start rushing. Gavi quickly pulls me in for a hug, and whispers in my ear that everything is going to be okay.

I pull back for a moment, eager to recollect myself and not look like a complete mess in front of him.

"I'm sorry about that," I whisper, looking down at my shoes, not wanting to face him.

"Hey, Mae, I'm not mad. I'm just a bit confused is all. But I mean, do you blame me?"

No, I don't blame him.

"The truth is, I wasn't scared to go to the meeting because I was nervous about what they would say. I was scared because I was afraid I would run into him," I admit, my voice quiet.

"But why? Why were you so afraid to see him? And why was he acting like that?" Gavi questions.

"Do you want all of it?"

"All of what?"

"All of the truth?" I ask.

Gavi nods his head, unsure of what he should expect.

But with the nod of his head, I begin my story.

"The truth is...."

OKAY SO THAT JUST HAPPEND. Protective Gavi though.... :) Next chapter is going to be a flashback in Mae's Perspective, which will be coming out on Wednesday! (6/28/23)

Spain, Soccer, Love?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat