Chapter Five

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Mae's Perspective

The club is absolutely amazing.

When you walk into the club, you are immediately overwhelmed by the colorful flashing lights and loud music. In the center is a large pit of people who surround the Dj booth. As you walk further into the club, it's a bit more relaxed, with a few tables and a bar.

That was where I was planning on spending most of my time. The blasting music and pit of sweaty bodies did not sound too inviting to me.

I told Rosa my plan, and we agreed to make sure we tell each other before leaving. I was not looking forward to this. All the guys in here were probably either drunk, high, or just plain ugly. Not my type.

In fact, I probably wouldn't find a single guy who's my type in here. Oh well. Who really gives a shit at this point. I just want to drink and have a bit of fun.

Gavi's Perspective

Why is this place so loud? Like is it really necessary to blast the music. And why do we all have to be crammed into such a small space?

When we arrived, Raphinha and Ronald were waiting for us. I was really hoping Robert would be here, considering he could probably help get the guys to not make me do their little deal, but no. He just had to ditch me. He probably claimed he's too old to be doing this or something. Definitely would have to slide tackle him next practice.

After about a million years of dancing (an hour), I was worn out. Who knew it would be so tiring.

"Hey guys, I think I'm going to get going. I'm feeling really tired." I screamed over the music.

"What?" Pedri screamed back at me.

"I'M GOING TO GET GOING," I yelled as loud as I could, as I pointed at the door.

Once Pedri had processed what I said, horror filled his eyes. He turned to the rest of the guys and told them what I had said. They all looked at me in shock.

Suddenly, I would be pulled off the dance floor and towards the bar, where the music wasn't as loud.

"Dude, are you serious? You can't back out on the deal!" Alejandro yelled, clearly pissed I was backing out.

"Guys, look. There aren't really any girls here. Like, I was looking, and just could not find any. So, I think this whole thing is dumb."

"You are such a chicken. You're' just making excuses," Pedri said. Everyone agreed with him in union.

He then proceeded to look around for a second. I watched as his eyes lit up.

"About that girl?" he said, pointing to a girl who was sitting at the bar alone.

"Awww ya. How about the emo chick?" Ronald laughed.

"You guys would make such a cute couple. Emo chick and chicken boy," Raphinha chipped in.

"Oh, shut up. Just cause she's wearing all black doesn't mean she's emo."

Why are they so annoying?

"So? What are you waiting for?" Pedri asked.

I really didn't want to do this, but I knew I had no other choice. I will never live this down if I chicken out. I knew for a fact that they would forever torture me. Let's just get this over with.

I start to slowly make my way over to the girl. Why am I so scared? It's just a girl. Maybe cause she's pretty. Pretty girls scare me. Sometimes they are kinda mean. Whatever. Focus. Just walk up to her and compliment her. Ya. Girls like that.

As I finally reached her, I pulled out the seat next to her and sat down in it. She turned to look at me for a moment, then turned away.

Oh God. She probably thinks I look stupid. I mean, who the hell wears sunglasses in a nightclub

This is a bad, bad idea.

I then realize that I need to say something before she thinks that I'm some kind of creep. I try to think of something, anything, but the only thing that comes to mind is Ronald's dumb comment.

"Are you emo?" I blurt out, immediately covering my mouth once the words have come out.

Well, I'm done for.

Hehehe. Lowkey kinda love this chapter :)

Next chapter is coming out on Monday! (4/17/23)

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