Chapter Seventeen

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Gavi's Perspective


When i saw Pedri the next day at training, i was so close to strangling him

"Hey Gavi...." he says awkwardly, clearly terrified to see how I will react.

"You're lucky that we are at training, otherwise I would actually kill you," I murmur, not wanting anyone to hear. I really don't need more drama.

"Aw come one. It wasn't that bad, right? It's not like I blew your cover."

"You may have not blown my cover yet, but she'll figure it out soon. I mean , what are the odds of another guy named Gavi also being friends with you?" I question.

"It's fine. My lies were very convincing," he insists.

To be honest, they were not.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," I scoff as I head out to training.

During training, I can tell that my teammates sense the tension between Pedri and I. Well, I wouldn't call it tension. Mostly just me giving Pedri dirty looks while he laughs it off.

"What's going on between you and Gavi?" I hear Ansu ask Pedri.

"Oh, nothing is going on. He's just being a bit dramatic," Pedri jokes.

"I'm not being dramatic," I yell before storming away.

Okay maybe that was a bit dramatic but my reason for being annoyed at him is very valid.

"Chill dude, I was just joking around," pedri says as he catches up with me.


If I'm being 100% percent honest, I'm not really that mad at him. Sometimes it's just fun being mad at him. All that matters is that Mae hopefully hasn't put it together yet.

"What are you doing after this," I murmur under my breath.

Pedri's face transforms into a giant smile.

"Awwww are you not mad at me anymore," he exclaims, throwing his arm around my neck.

"Just answer the question," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Mmmm I don't really know if I want to hang out with you, if I'm being completely honest," he teases, knowing it will piss me off.

"Are you serious?" I complain.

Why is he so annoying sometimes.

"Well, I am a bit hungry. I guess that maybe you could join me," he shrugs.

About thirty minutes later, were sitting at a table at a restaurant. I can't help but realize that the restaurant is near Mae's apartment. Deep down inside I'm really hoping that we bump in to her. It would be nice to see her face again.

I glance over at Pedri and notice he looks a bit....weird.

"Why do you look like that?"

"Like what?"

I can't place my finger on it, but then I realize what's making him look so different.

"Did you draw a face mustache on your face," I laugh.

He's currently wearing sunglasses and a hat, and along with that, he's drawn on a small little mustache right above his lips.

"What? No!"

He immediately covers his face, embarrassed. If I'm being honest, it looks really dumb.

"Dude, you don't understand, okay? I swear, even if my whole face is covered people still somehow recognize me. I mean, it's not that I don't like talking to fans, but it just gets a bit drawing sometimes. Like, I just need a bit of peace for once in my life," he complains.

Spain, Soccer, Love?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora