My Idiot Pt. 3

Começar do início

All thoughts of leaving the school early flew away from Jisung's head, the only thought circulating his brain right now was meeting Minho. Jisung ran through the merciful empty hallways, the dark blue blazer of his school uniform flapping behind him like wings. Luckily all the teachers were in their respective offices or classrooms so he didn't encounter anyone on the stairs either. That saved some time consuming, odd questions.

Jisung burst onto the rooftop, spluttering to a stop as he saw Minho already standing there, for once, not risking his already dead life.

On hearing loud pants behind him Minho turned around, smiling at the heaving younger.

"Oh hey Hannie!" He said in a suspiciously cheerful voice. "I was wondering when you would come up to meet me."

Jisung immediately straightened up, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Your never excited to see me." He deadpanned and the happy look in Minho's eyes faltered ever so slightly.

"Well" Minho started, shrugging his shoulders. "I actually am happy to see you everyday. I just don't know how to show it."

"Yeah okay. I'll just pretend to believe that for a while now until I can get some of my questions answered."


"Why was that guy so terrified when he was owning up to me?" Jisung asked, ignoring Minho's cry of outrage and not wanting to beat around the bush.

Minho quickly put on a surprised face. "Which guy? What owning up? And why are you asking me that?"

The younger sighed, seeing right through Minho's nervous chuckle. "The guy who started a rumour about me and you. He finally owned up to me today after being threatened by...... someone."

Minho let out a soft laugh, ignoring the threatened part. "Well, that's great, isn't it? He finally admitted everything to you."

"Yeah....." Jisung stepped closer to the older. "It is great."

"Umm......" Minho stepped back, hesitantly, hands clenched into sweaty fists in the pockets of his trousers. "Jisung?"

"What did you do to threaten him Minho?" Jisung asked quietly, stopping right infront of Minho.

The older gulped, his eyes flitting all around the rooftop, looking everywhere except Jisung's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"What did you do to threaten that guy, Minho?" The younger repeated once again, slower than before. He observed as Minho scratched the back of his neck nervously, looking up as if hoping an excuse would swoop down and take a hold of him.

"N-nothing Hannie!" Minho exclaimed after a second. He then scoffed. "You really think I would go around threatening people just for the fun of it?"

"Yes and no. You would definitely go around threatening people for the fun of it but this time you threatened...... or rather scared the guy for a reason. Am I right, Min?"

A minute passed as Jisung kept his eyes trained on a nervously fidgeting Minho.

"Okay fine!" The older burst out suddenly, the intense eye contact not helping his blood pressure very much. "I did threaten him."

Jisung smirked triumphantly. "Knew it!" He mumbled to himself before looking up at a nervous Minho once again. "Care to share the reason?"

Minho sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't getting out of this one easily. "I got mad when he started making rumours about you" He started, mumbling uncertainly.

Minsung OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora