Opposites Attract Pt. 3

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It had been almost fifteen minutes since the two had started their walk through the forest, and Minho already felt like his head was about to explode.

The slight throbbing he had not given much thought to had now turned into a full blown migraine amd Minho cursed as his eyesight turned blurry after a few more steps.

"You okay?" Jisung asked from next to him, in a voice surprisingly soft for all the snark and sass it could hold.

"Yeah.... I'm fine" Minho murmured, shaking his head slightly but that made his migraine even worse. "Slight headache"

"Do you want to sit down?" Jisung asked, tentatively. "Or maybe stop for a while? I think we've lost those thick headed idiots by now"

Minho rasped out a small laugh at Jisung's description of the Ateez members. His smile turned to a grimace as he shook his head slightly. "No I think we should get to the base first. And then I'll think of fixing my headache provided I don't get killed or chopped to pieces before that"

Jisung rolled his eyes playfully, a smirk dancing on his lips. "You won't get killed, hyung"

Minho lurched at the sound of Jisung calling him hyung. Even though there was a 99 percent chance that this hyung was a sarcastic one too, it didn't stop Minho's stomach from rolling over itself at the honorific.

"I definitely hope not" Minho muttered but then let out a small ahh as he stumbled against a tree.

"Woah!" Jisung exclaimed, panicked. "Okay Mister Tough Guy. We are stopping right now whether you like it or not."

Minho shook his head and opened his mouth to say something when Jisung shushed him. "I will shoot you if you say anything more"

"One" Minho started, rolling his eyes as he leaned heavily against the tree. "You do not have a gun on you. Two, what makes you think I won't shoot back?"

"Easy. You don't have a gun on you either" Jisung shrugged as he pushed Minho into a sitting position against the same tree and then leaned against another one just across him, so now they were face to face.

"Sit down" Minho gestured as he rubbed two fingers across his temple, mentally cursing himself for having not brought anything remotely medicine related with him for this case. He watched as, after a minute of hesitation, Jisung sat down too.

"So who's the lucky girl?" Jisung questioned with a smirk as he sat down. "Or guy. I won't judge"

Minhos brows furrowed. "What d'you mean?" He asked and the younger gestured to the lifted sleeve of his right arm.

The older looked down and his eyes widened. On his forearm, the previously unfilled tattoo of yin and yang had burst with colour, the original symbol being black and white but the surrounding art could be seen in vivid colour.

"When did this happen?!" He looked shocked, and a little scared, Jisung noticed confusedly.

"What d'you mean?" The younger asked, but quickly silenced himself when he saw Minho breathing heavily, eyes blown wide with panic as he pressed a shaky hand over his chest, trying hard to breathe properly.

Jisung immediately recognised the symptoms. Minho was having a panic attack. Why, the younger had no clue, but what was more important right now was calming Minho down or his condition might worsen. Pair that with a migraine and the thought was enough to spur Jisung into action.

The boy jumped up, and crouched down next to Minho who was now hunched over himself. "Minho" He whispered, his calm voice in wild contrast with his rapidly beating heart. "Minho look at me"

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