4 | The Marauder's Map

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He was a timid teacher, a consistent stutter on each of his words. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say anything because I looked at him the wrong way. To think that he was the Defence Against Dark Arts teacher.

I continued my search for Hermione, wishing I knew the Accio spell so I could summon her uniform or something.


I turned to see Neville and another Gryffindor student running towards me. Thankfully, Filch was no where to be seen, otherwise he'd be yelling at them to walk.

"Neville and..."

"Dean. The bugger dragged me here with him."

"I see... What is it? Did Hermione come back?"

"No, Professor Quirrell just told us that there's a troll in the dungeon!"

I stared for far too long before taking both their wrists. "Then why on earth are you here, come on!"

"Wait, why are we going towards the dungeon?!" Dean questioned.

"I have a shortcut."

That shortcut being how my father studied without his "nightmare of a roommate" (his words, not mine).

I found the corner my father referred to, adjacent to the boy's washroom and the exit leading to the Quidditch field. I placed my fingers between the slight gap and pulled the wall apart, revealing a stairwell behind it.

"Woah..." Dean marvelled.

"I might have to use Obliviate on you after this," I warned jokingly the two as I led them up the stairs.

After a while of silence, Dean spoke up. "So, how'd you find this place?"

"My dad. A bit of an introvert, he was." A bit was an understatement - he only spoke to a handful of people during his time at Hogwarts and he still refuses to say who they were.

We found our way to the top of one of the walls surrounding Hogwarts. "That one over there is Gryffindor's tower. Ravenclaw's is right here."

"Thanks, Y/N," said Neville, who gave me a small smile.

"It's not a problem. Goodnight."


As I made my way down to the Ravenclaw common room, I realized that Neville had heard that there was a troll and thought about me. I shook my head as I opened the door. These Gryffindors are too goodie.

No wonder I wasn't sorted into it.

"Where did you go?" Padma queried as I entered our dorm. "I saw you walk out of the Great Hall and suddenly Professor Quirrell comes running in telling us that there's a troll in the dungeon."

I raised my hands in defense. "For the record, I was not the cause of the troll in the dungeon. I just took a different way when I heard. But I do appreciate the worry, Padma."

She frowned in my direction but didn't say anything else.

I picked up a book laying face down on my bed and noticed that it wasn't the page I had left off on. "Did any of you touch this?"

My roommates all looked up and shook their heads, feigning innocence.

The page spoke about the Philosopher's Stone's current whereabouts, revealing that it was once held in Vault 713, the exact vault that was robbed in Gringotts.

But, as I recall, it was emptied that day. My father used to go into the hallways that are now restricted, so something must be different about this year compared to other years.

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