Being a nice person | 7

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F/F: favourite flavour

1981 8th of July-9:10 AM

It was the weekend you were in the living room watching TV Henry was out and Charlie was in her room, you had the day off so you had nothing planned for today, so decided to relax but as you watch the TV you heard footsteps coming downstairs, and coming into the living room. "Y/N can we go somewhere?" Charlie asked she seemed boring. "Hm.. sure we can go to the park?" She nods and you tell her to get some different clothes on as you want to grab your shoes putting them on. "I'm ready!" You nod grabbing your things as you both walk out the door before locking and going to the park. That wasn't far away.

- 9:45 AM

You had arrived to the park, and Charlie already ran off to go play as you set on a bench in the shade. You sigh look at all the kids playing sometime you still wish you were still a child to have fun, to have friends to hang with all the time. You look back when you were a kid you had two friends Toan and Arlo at 12 years old Toan had moved to a different area and Arlo had went missing no one knew where he was, and his parents didn't care about moved on quickly and you had to as well. As you thought about this, a lady sat down next to you she had green eyes blonde hair wearing a light blue dress. "Is it ok if I sit here?" You nod smiling. "Of course."

You after two minutes you saw an ice cream truck so you got up calling out for Charlie's name as she went up to you. "Do you want an ice cream?" You ask and she nod. "Yes can I get a chocolate?" You nod going to the ice cream truck. "Hello how can I help you?" The man asked. "Can I get on chocolate ice cream and (F/F) ice cream-" you felt something tongue on your leg to see Elizabeth. "Can you get me a ice cream Mx Y/N?" Elizabeth said, putting on the puppy eyes. You don't know how she got there. "Well I shouldn't, but.."

you sigh. "Fine what flavour?" You ask as you ordered Elizabeth's ice cream, handing it to her and paying. "Thank you!" She hugged you before going back to where she was. I you walked back to the bench that you were sitting on and handed over Charlies ice cream. She went off to eat it and play. "So how do you know Charlie?" The lady from before said. "Oh I live with Charlie and Henry for now, so that's how I know her." You say the lady nodded looking back a the kids. It was awkward silence between you two and you decide it's time to go after a while. Come on Charlie, we're going!" You yell so she can hear you came over.

You walk back home and opening the front door to see Henry are you cooking lunch. "Ah! you two are back where did you guys go?" Henry asked. "We went to the park!" Charlie said, hugging Henry. "Oh that must've been fun!" Henry smiled.

- 2:40 PM

You and Henry where are the kitchen talking while Charlie was in the living room. "So Y/N I got a call from your parents.. they're asking if I knew where you were." Your heart skipped a beat. "Did you tell them!" You ask, Henry shook his head and you sigh in relief. "I didn't want to force you to see them if you want to that's your choice." You hugged Henry thanking him. "What for?" He asked hugging you back. "For being a nice person!"

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