I want your help | 12

34 2 0

1981 13th of July - Thursday

5:35 PM


I had just gotten back home putting my shoes at the doorway. I walk into the living room, seeing mum on the couch Liz and Evan were on the floor playing. I walk past them to the kitchen grabbing a cup and putting water in from the sink, and I took a sip. As someone hugged me. "Hey Michael! Can you play with me?" Liz asked and I shook my head. "Sorry I had a long day at school." She frowned but nodded and walking back in to the living room. "I guess you not the only one." I look behind me to see dad. "Oh really?" I say smirking. "Don't." He warned me but I just laughed.

- 6:34 PM

I was at the dinner table eating my food as everything was awkward between mum and dad. They had not said a thing to each other but dad would talk to Liz, me, and Evan asking us 'how was your day'. Evan said it was fine, and I say it was fine to but what Liz said made dad go off. "Good but mum left the house for the whole day!" Dad look at mum but she rolled her eyes. "You did what!?" He said in a angry tone. "Oh what? I don't get to go out all the time!" She said back. "Because I have work to support this family!"

Me and the two put our plates in the kitchen and we went upstairs to my room so we couldn't hear them. "Are we the problem?" Evan said sitting on my bed holding his plushy tight to his chest. "What? No we are not." I say sitting next to him. "B-but they all ways fight.." He started to tear up as Liz and me hug him. We stayed in my room for 2 hours as the two play but we heard footsteps going to mum and dads room but not three minutes later went back down then silence. Then one minute later, dad came in. "Kids.. I have something to tell you."

- Next morning | 9:24 AM 14th of July.

F/F: favourite food


I was my room chilling as I had the day off Henry gone out saying here to go got something Charlie was at school. After awhile you got bored so you decided to make something to eat you went downstairs, making yourself you're (F/F) once it was done, you sat down in the dining room, eating it. But then I heard the front door open and multiple footsteps, I got up and went to look who was there. "Hiii Y/N!" Liz said hugging my legs. "Elizabeth! What are you doing here?" I say as I saw, Evan hugged my legs to. "They are staring a couple of nights."

Once we got them into their rooms. When I was helping Michael, he looked pretty sad. "Here you ok?" I ask and he nodded. "Yeah I'm fine.." He put on a smile but I know he just wanted to hide his sadness. I walk over to him and hug him. "You don't need to lie to me. I'm always here for you." When I said that he hugged me tight. "What's on your mind?" I ask. "Mum and dad had an argument last night and decided to get a divorce..." God I feel bad for kids. "Evan said we were the problem.." I made him sit down on the bed as he continued.

"Mum had left last night and we we had to come here since dad would be in a bad mood..." I was rubbing his back as Henry came into the room. "Hey Mike." He sat down next to him. "Y/N can you go and play with the others I need to talk with Michael." I nodded getting up and walking out of the room, closing the door behind me I go to find the others and see them in the living room, watching TV. "Y/N!" Elizabeth. Got it from the couch, running over and hug for me. "Can I do your hair?" You nodded.

- 3:10 PM


Everyone was having a good time, even Henry and Michael joined in. Elizabeth had done your hair and Charlies hair. But then the house phone rang and Henry had gotten up and answered it. "Hello?" He said he talk to the other person on the phone. Henry had looked at you looking worried, but nodded. "Ok.." After he hanged up the phone he went back over, looking at you hesitant. "Y/N can you do me a favour?" You look at him confuse. "Sure?" You raise an eyebrow. "I want you to stay with William's house.. for a bit he need's someone there for him that I have a lot of stuff on my plate."

You nodded as he continued. "So I want you to go there and to help him with his divorce. I am very worried about him, I wish I could be there but I have the pizzeria and the kids, but I'm hoping you can do it? for me?" You thought about it. You did feel bad for William and you wanted to help Henry. "Sure I'll do it." Henry smiled Thanking you but to be careful and gave you a big hug as you did the same.

Ok I just gotta say well I was making this I was listening to a song cause I was about to change the chapter, because of it I was about to make it spicy but I am not.... Yet >:)

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