Just a little bit | 13

32 2 0

Warning: drinking

1981 14th of July - Friday

7:35 AM

You and Henry were in the car going to William's house and Henry was telling you what you would expect of William. Drinking, getting angry, disappearing for no reason. But you're ready for what was going to happen. What's your arrived at his places in from the door, getting out but Henry stopped you. "Y/N be careful, I don't know what William might do please be careful." You put a smile on. "Don't worry, uncle Henry I'll be careful." He nodded as you got out the car grabbing your bag closing the car door walk into the house, knocking on the front door.

Around 20 seconds later, William opened the door. "Wha- Oh! Y/N come in." He stepped aside letting you in as you did so. "Thank you for coming.." He says helping with your bag. "Oh, you don't need to." You say but he instead taking the bag upstairs to the guest room then coming back down. But when he came down his hole mood just changed he want to the couch and sat down. "Uhh what do-" He looked at you and for an odd reason that made you shut up. "Darling just treat the house like you would at Henry's." You nodded is there a moment before you walk upstairs to the bathroom.

Once your inside you close the door behind you as you took in a deep breath. You walk over to the seat, looking in the mirror. You keep repeating what Henry had said about William. "Drinking, angry, disappearing randomly.." You say to yourself quietly as you talk in another deep breath. After 3 minutes you came out of the bathroom, going back downstairs into the living room to see no William. "Disappearing..." You quietly say as you set down on the couch. You felt nervous, you didn't know where he would be next or what mood he would be in.

After awhile, you grown tired, your eyelids getting heavy starting to close as you drifted off to sleep on the couch.

- 4:20 PM

You felt someone shake you as you open, your eyes lazily looking up. "Good afternoon darling." William said smiling. "Afternoon?" You rubbing your sleepy eyes. "Yep you slept for awhile." You look at the time on the clock on the wall. "Shit 4:22..." He nodded helping you up. "I didn't want to wake you up sorry." He apologised and you shook your head. "No need to apologise." He smiled and said. "Well then why don't you go up to your room to unpack while I get dinner started?" You nodded going and walking up the stairs going right into the guest room.

Once you're inside you saw the bag on the bed.

- 5:45 PM

"Y/N dinner is ready!" You hear Williams call out. You finished putting the last pieces of clothing before walking out of your room and going downstairs, and the delicious smell hit your nose. You walk into the kitchen there was no William in sight, but  you saw the food on the counter. You were about to pick up the plates but felt arms wrapped around your waist. "What do you think you are going?" William whispered in your ear. He's breath against your skin, making you shiver. "I was going to put the plates in the dining room." He hummed in response, letting go of you.

You brought the plates over to the dining room placing them down is William had two glasses and some wine. "William I don't drink wine." You said but he didn't budge. "Come on just a little?" He says almost sounded like begging. "Fine but just a little." He nodded placing the glasses down and pouring him and you some wine. You finally sat down and started eating. It wasn't bad at all William was a good cook. You smile eating and taking little sips of wine. It was strong and it burned your throat, every time you took a sip. You never drink wine so you're not used to this.

"You ok darling?" William asked concerned. "Yeah I just never drink wine before, and this is really strong." He just smiled hearing this. "Well I only bought that wine two months ago. It's not expensive that's why it's strong the expensive ones are not." You noted that he likes strong drinks. You could feel your face burning up from the wine. You two kept eating and making small talk to each other and it was nice to have someone to talk to. Once you are done, you took your and his plate to the kitchen, cleaning them in the sink.

Once you are done, and you went upstairs going into your room, grabbing some clothes then going into the bathroom to shower. Once you are done, you put on fresh clothes for bed then walking out back to your room. Then you headed downstairs, walking into the living room, William there with the wine bottle in his hand, watch TV. "Come on Will drinking and should be heading to bed." You say sounding like a mother to him. You took the bottle from his hand walking to the kitchen and putting in were all the other ones were. You walked back into the living room as he was still sitting there. "William come on."

You grabbed his arm to pull him up but he was too heavy. "Will please get up!" You try again, pulling him up but still didn't work. You gave up walking upstairs to the guest room, opening and closing the door behind you walking over to the bed getting under the covers and falling asleep, saying. "These are going to be rough weeks with him..."

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