Your not my mum! | 18

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1983 10th of May - Wednesday
7:34 AM

You had dropped off the kids to school and you're on your way to work but decided to go to the hospital to see William for a bit. Once in your inside the hospital you went up to the reception desk. "Hello how can I help you?" The lady as the desk asked. "Yes hi I am here to see William Afton." The lady checked on a computer before nodding. "Ok his room is 103." You thanked the lady and walk to William's room. You opened the door to his room and you see him in bed with his eyes closed. You couldn't help but smile as you walk over to the bed.

Then you sat down beside him poking his face. "Hey wake up sleeping beauty." You say in a soft voice as you hear him groan opening his eyes. You smile and he smiled back. "You look happy to see me?" You teased as he rolled his eyes. "So having fun in hospital?" You ask and he shook his head. "No? Don't blame you." He tried to chuckle but nothing came out. "You poor British boy." You whisper, and he glared at you and pointed his finger behind you. You look behind you to see a nurse walking in. She was beautiful with her blonde hair, blue eyes and slim body.

"Hello I am Lara and I here to check up on Mr Afton." She says coming over, but William just growled, looking at you. "Uhh I don't think he wants you near him right now." You say knowing if she laid a finger on him, he would bite her hand off. "Oh? Ok." She looked disappointed before nodding leaving the room. You look at him again and he had a smile on his face. "Happy?" He nodded as he moved his hand grabbing yours, using his other hand, writing letters on your palm. "Your asking how long I'm staying?" He nodded. "Just for a few minutes. Why?"

He face frowned a bit as he spilled out the words on your hand. "Uhh because you're lonely? Well don't worry I'll come visit you more I promise." You say grabbing his hand, placing it back on the bed. "You should rest now I'll come and visit you in the afternoon with the kids." You say getting up going to the door but hearing him bashed his hand against the mattress. You turn around crossing your arms. "Don't get upset now. I said I'll come in the afternoon." You say leaving the room. As for William he was disappointed you left but he couldn't stop thinking about you.

- 8:03 AM

You were now at work in parts and service cleaning the Chica animatronic, kids have been throwing pizzas at the chicken and so you had to cleaning it. "God you smell horrible..." You pinch your nose taking off bits and pieces of pizza sticky candy. Once you were done, you grabbed a rag, making a little bit wet, wiping the animatronic, so it wasn't so sticky from all the food being thrown at it. After 3 minutes it looked a brand-new. "That's much better." You say calling in Scott, as he helped you, please check it back on stage with the others.

And then the pizzeria guests coming in. As you went into the breakroom, taking a sitting at a table sighing.

- 1:45 PM

"Uhh Y/N wake up!" You heard Scott as he shook you awake. "You should get ready to go." You got up nodding. "Thanks..." You stretched and walking out of the breakroom, walking to Henry's office. You knock on the door before opening the door. "Uncle Henry?" You see Henry working at his desk. He looked up and smiled. "Ah Y/N how can I help you?" He ask putting his pen down. "Well I have to go really soon to pick up William's children from school." You say as Henry nodded. "You know I have talk to Michael a bit he says that you treat them like family."

He said making you surprise as he continued. "Even Elizabeth said you act like a parent to her." You never thought about that. "Well you should be on your way now." He said picking up his pen. "Ok have a good afternoon uncle Henry!" You leave the pizzeria going to Elizabeth and Evan school, picking them up, then going to Michaels but Michael wasn't at the front gate. "Kids Can you wait in the car for a second?" They nodded as you got out of the car working inside the school grounds, looking for Michael finding him some trees with some friends.

"Michael, I've been waiting for-" You just stare at what was in Michael's hand. a cigarettes. "Michael what the hell?" You walk over grab the cigarette putting it on the ground stepping on it. "Cigarettes are bad for you. That bad for your lungs and health!" You grab his arm pulling to the car. "Ohhh Michaels in trouble!" His friends laughed making Michael angry moving his arm away from you and pushing you to the ground. "Your not my mum! You can't tell me what to do!" He yelled at you as you got up looking at him. Anger filled his eyes as tears filled yours. "Your right I'll let you be..." You then turn around, walking to the car.

- 3:13 PM

C/E: coloured eyes

You walk into William's room as Elizabeth and Evan ran to their father, hugging him as you sat on the couch with your head on you knees arms crossed. William looked at you concerned as he tried to speak. "... de- dea-r." You look at him as he looked into your (C/E) eyes. "Wh-... wh-at's wrong...?" He ask his voice cracking a bit. "Nothing." You say not wanting to worry him but he was already worried. "Michael pushed Y/N saying they are not he's mum." Elizabeth said as Williams face went into shock. "What!-" He raised his voice making it go high pitched for a second.

"It's nothing... I was jus..." You didn't even know what to say only tears went down your cheek. "Come..." William said having his arms out you got it from the couch walking over and hugging him, burying your face into his chest. 'His to kind'

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