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Tony paced back and forth, outside the med bay. Pepper had practically hauled him out of there so Bruce and Helen could work without then having Tony barking at them, and hovering.

'She's going to be ok Tony. You know she's a fighter..'.. Nat says, as she looks through the window of the med bay, watching the med team work on Izzy.

'The bullet shattered her T-7 Nat. She'll be lucky if they can fix it. It nicked her lung too, not to mention the blood loss..'... Tony shook his head.

Aside from him and Nat, everyone else that was on the mission, had instantly jumped from the jet, in search of the shooter. Bruce and Bucky were ready with the med team when they returned.

Bucky was still in the lab, running the team that stayed behind. Tony knew the guy wanted to go out there, but the fact that he stayed showed a lot of restraint.

'Izzy doesn't give up, especially when it comes to you..'.. Tony turns, seeing Pepper and Maria walking towards them, handing the other two a coffee... 'I kinda feel a tiny speck of sympathy to anyone who tries to hurt you Stark, I'm surprised she didn't tear them apart like Shadow normally would..'

'She has extremis Tony, she will heal..'.. Pepper tells him, as she stands with Nat looking through the window.

'If she could heal, then she would have by now. So what's taking them so long?..'.. Nat heard Tony, but watching through the window, she saw Helen and Bruce look over to them, both with a smile.

'Tony, I think she's ok..'.. Nat watched as Helen and Bruce gestured foe them to enter, and Nat grabbed his arm, pulling him in.

'Uh, I can walk, you know..'.. Tony quips at Nat, and she shushed him.

'Whats going on? Is she ok?..'.. Pepper asked looking between the two doctors.

'She, is fine, and she, is hungry..'.. The curtain around the bed opens, and they see Izzy stood there in her underwear, pulling the wires off her... 'At least now I know why..'.. She rolled her eyes, and then looked to the other four who entered... 'Alive and breathing, see?..'... She turned in a circle, and Tony saw the red scarring on her back where she was shot, he knew it would be fully healed soon.

'What happened? Why did it take you so long to heal?..'.. Tony asked, putting his coffee down as walked over to her... 'Are you ok?..'

'Oh I'm fine. Turns out mini Stark was drawing on the extremis to protect themselves..'.. She lopped her arms around his neck, waiting for the penny to drop. She smiled at him, as she saw him work it out, and then he pulled her to him, kissing her passionately.

'Get a room...'.. Izzy pulled back and raised and eyebrow at Nat.

'We got one thank you..'... She grinned, looking back at Tony... 'I'm off missions for the foreseeable future, so do us all a favour, and stop getting kidnapped. I don't fancy coming to save you again, when I look like a whale..'

'You're pregnant?..'.. He asked, cupping her face.

'Yeah, and from the scan, it was before Ultron. 9 weeks and 4 days and before you say anything, I had the two of them run every test possible and scan with Friday. The alcohol I drank over the past few weeks have not affected mini at all..'... She reassured him.

'This isn't a joke, you're actually pregnant?..'... Izzy laughed at the stunned expression on his face and nodded at him.

'Friday can you pull up the scan please..'.. She turned him to the screen, and pointed at it, the thrum of a heartbeat echoed around the room... 'That is our little mini, you're going to be an amazing father Stark..'.. She kissed his cheek, knowing he was feeling a lot of emotions right now.

'Congratulations, both of you..'.. Pepper smiled brightly at them both and Izzy walked over, hugging the woman and not caring she was half naked.

'Mini is going to need their aunties and uncles to help their mom and dad from having meltdowns. I have no idea what I got to do..'.. Izzy chuckled, and then hugged Nat, and Maria.

'Oh, I so have to be there when you tell Steve..'.. Nat grins at her.

'And you will be. Could you three..'.. Izzy gestures to Nat, Maria and Pepper... 'Get a simple wedding put together in the next 24 hours? I don't care what favours you pull, but I want to be Mrs Stark before tomorrow evening..'

The three women practically ran from the room to do as she asked, and she saw that Bruce and Helen had slipped away, leaving her alone with Stark, who was still watching the screen... 'Are you ok?..'

'This is too dangerous..'.. Izzy stopped, not exactly the words she was expecting to hear... 'I got taken, and you found me but you still got hurt Iz. Having a kid, it's too dangerous. We both have a lot of enemies, and they could come for our baby..'.. She understood why he was panic, internally, she was terrified too.

'Stark..'.. She took his hand, turning him to face her... 'There will always be risks, dangers, but we can get through everything, as long as we're together. We're a team, partners..'.. She cupped his face, smiling... 'We're a family. I'm already over protective of you all, can you imagine how much worse I'm going to be with our child?..'.. She saw him smile.

'You'd be mama Shadow..'.. He said, making her giggle.

'Exactly. And with the family we already have around us, I have no doubt our mini, will be the most protected child in the world. We can do this Stark, together..'.. She kissed him softly, and wrapped her arms around him.

'I got so scared that I'd lost you..'.. He rested his forehead against her.

'You can't ever lose me Stark, I am, and always will be, yours..'.. She smiled up at him, and the door opened, Bucky coming in, holding her clothes from earlier and the relief on his face, had him move to a stool to sit down.

'They're on their way back, they got the shooter...'.. He tells them.

'Good, we got some questions..'.. Tony said, taking the clothes Bucky held out, and passing them to Izzy.

'Shooter didn't make it..'.. Bucky said, as Izzy started getting dressed.

'Wow, do I even want to know who?..'.. She asked, slipping her jeans back on.

'No one is going to tell you. You're our family Iz, we got you..'.. Bucky tells her, his eyes roaming over her... 'You had us all worried for a minute. You ok though?..'

Izzy grinned at Bucky, before slipping her tshirt back on... 'I'm perfectly fine pops. How long until everyone is back?..'

'About 15..'.. Bucky nods to her and she moves over, taking hos hand and pulling him up.

'Good, cause me and Stark are getting ready tomorrow, so you guys need to get your asses moving and pull your shit together. I've now got to get a new dress..'.. She smirked over to Tony, seeing the amusement in his eyes... 'I'm going to get some food, but make sure you two are in the main room when the others get back..'.. She jogged down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen.

'Something different about her..'.. Bucky looks across to Tony, and he knew straight away... 'You deserve to be happy, both of you..'..Bucky clapped hom on the shoulder, and walked after Izzy.


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