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Tony felt like a complete dick. Steve was right, he should have talked to her properly, started back slowly, rather than literally plan a wedding and expect her to show up and say 'I do'. He slumped back in his chair at his desk, looking over at Steve.

'What do I do? I do trust her, I do. I get it now. Izzy had always taken care of us, of me, putting every one of us first. I trust her with my life..'.. Tony shakes his head.

'She doesn't see it like that. Over a month went by, before you said anything to her. It was really bad Tony, seeing her so low, and having to fight with her not to slip into her old habits and leave. You didn't see the state she was getting in, drinking almost everything in sight just to try and numb herself. You know she would've switched, and that was hard for her not to do..'.. Steve sighed.

'All I want, is for her to be happy. She's been through enough, you know that. She's willing to let you go, so you can be with someone you love and trust, she feels like that isn't her. That you don't trust her not to make decisions like that again..'.. Steve nodded at Tony... 'Can you do that? Trust her, no matter what she does, that she's only doing what's best for everyone? If she had to leave, and you didn't hear from her for weeks, could you trust her, whatever she was doing?..'

'Yes..'.. Tony said, without hesitation.

'Then you gotta do something to prove it, something big..'.. Steve tells him. Tony thought it over, and an idea formed. He looked across at Steve, rasing an eyebrow at him.

'Don't think for a second I'm calling you dad though..'.. Tony snapped his fingers at him and pointed... 'Just cause you'll be my father in law, doesn't mean I'm going to kiss ass..'

Steve threw his head back, laughing. That hadn't crossed his mind. Tony would officially be his son in law if they finally got married. Shaking his head with a smile, he stood up... 'I can see you got an idea. As long as its not dangerous or overboard, I'll help..'

Tony smirked, that's exactly what it was going to be... 'I got something for Izzy. Could you take it over to her?..'.. Steve nodded at him, and Tony stood, clapping his hands together.. 'Let's go Cap, I got to get my wife back..'

Steve rolled his eyes with a smile, and the two headed out, Tony leading him down to the spare lab, telling him it was Izzys, he kitted it out for her.


Steve slipped into her room, sitting on the edge of the bed, putting a hard on her hip, as she slept on her side. He had no idea what was in the case he brought, but Tony said she would know. He hoped that whatever Tony had planned, wouldn't put his daughter in danger.

'Iz..'.. He rocked her hip slightly, calling her name... 'Iz, I'm back. I need you to wake up for me..'.. She moaned in annoyance, her eyebrows pinching together as her eyes fluttered open. Seeing him there, she broke into a smile, and Steve loved seeing it. It was his mother's smile.

'Hey. How long have I been out?..'.. She asked, pushing herself to sit up, running her hands over her face.

'About 4 hours. I need you to come to the kitchen. I brought something with me, it's from Tony..'.. He thought she would rush out of bed to see, but she just looked sad, taking her time to move. He got up, holding a hand out to her and she huffed, taking it.

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