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Tony had spent the next week going through Izzys notes about Barnes. He hoped to find something, anything that would help her. Bruce worked with him, while the rest of the team scoured through thousands of files and intel about Hydra.

He needed to find something that would put her at ease. She had pretty much locked herself away on their floor, barely interacting with anyone except him. Tony was afraid of what this would do to her, she was pulling away, retreating into herself.

He sighed, dropping his head to his desk. He was exhausted, barely able to think straight. He had to protect her, she was everything to him. He didn't care if it was engineered for them to be together, he just couldn't imagine his life without her.

'Tony you should go get some rest..'.. Bruce called across to him... 'I can keep looking...'

He lifted his head, running his hands through his messy hair... 'I need her safe Bruce. We have to take down Hydra, no matter what..'

'And we will...'.. Nat walks in with Hill, who was working on the tablet in her hands... 'We may have found something..'.. Nat moves to sit on the edge of Bruces desk... 'Something Izzy said last week stuck with me. She said that Loki used the scepter on her and broke down the walls in her mind..'

'Yeah, had her under his control..'.. Tony frowned across at her.

'Because he wanted her under his control. So, what if you use the scepter, with the want of removing Hydras control? Barton, Selvig, Izzy, they all did what Loki wanted. So, maybe that's how it works. If you have it, and want to remove the control from her and Barnes..'.. Nat shrugged, looking between Tony and Bruce.

'Its a theory..'.. Bruce says, coming around from his station... 'But we don't have the scepter. We don't know where it is..'

'I have a lead on it..'.. Hill hands her tablet to Tony... 'STIRKE team took it after the battle, for SHIELD, but as they were Hydra, it's possible they have it. We have checked our intel, and a lead suggests it's in a base in Sokovia, being used for human experiments..'

Tony looked through the data, giving Jarvis access to it, and putting it up on his screen. He handed the tablet back... 'Its the only shot we got right now, but we have to try, for Izzy. Barnes and Wilson stay back with her, you too..'.. He looked up at Hill... 'Only agents you trust to stay and protect her. Hydra could use this opportunity to come for her..'

'The tower can be put on lockdown Tony. She will have Sam, Bucky, Maria and other agents here with her. Besides, you know what she's like, do you really think she won't have a plan in place, or go down without a fight?..'.. Nat gave him a smile... 'She'll tear them apart..'

'She shouldn't have to. She should feel safe in her own home..'.. He leaned back in his chair... 'We'll check this out..'.. He gestures to his computer... 'And then I'll call a meeting..'

Nat nodded at him, and hopped off the desk, giving Bruce a smile. Tony saw the exchange and he shook his head, fighting a smile of his own. Izzy had called it, he couldn't wait to tell her... 'Im going to try and bring her to the main floor, to see the others. I know Steve and Bucky have been worrying about her..'

'I'll go..'.. Tony stood up, coming around his desk... 'I'll go check in on her..'.. He left the three of them, and headed to his and Izzy's floor. He hoped she was ok, she had always been a fighter, but she should be able to have a life, without anyone trying to control her.


Izzy sighed as she watched Tony get into the elevator. She had pulled away because she had a plan, one that she didn't want to involve them in. She just needed a little more time, to finish putting everything in place. She hated that she would have to break her promise to Tony, but she would do whatever it took, to keep him safe, even from her.

Putting her laptop away, she moved into the kitchen and began to make herself some lunch. She had to keep up the pretense, so Tony wouldn't know. Hearing the elevator open on their floor, she heard him walk out, calling her name... 'In the kitchen..'.. He came in, and she could smell his aftershave, it always calmed her down... 'You hungry?..'

He walked up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and she stopped what she was doing, turning to face him, and wrap her arms around his neck... 'Iz, we may have a lead..'.. She pulled him down for a kiss.

'Whatever it is, can wait. Please, have lunch with me..'.. She looked up at him. Tony couldn't say no, he wanted to spend some time with her, and the fact that she wanted lunch was a good sign, she had barely eaten in the past few days.

'Ok..'.. He kissed her again... 'We'll do it together..'.. He helped her in the kitchen, as they whipped up chicken Alfredo, and a salad. Tony noted that she actually ate, and he smiled at her, the two talking about the team and the lead he had.

'Do you think it will work?..'.. She asked, pushing her empty plate away.

'I don't know, but it's worth a shot..'.. He took her hand... 'Iz, I know you're worried about it all, but I promise, I won't let anything happen to you..'

'I know you won't..'.. She gave him a small smile, and then stood, moving to sit in his lap... 'As much as I don't want to, staying here is the safest option, for me and Buck. Being near a Hydra base right now, it could trigger either one of us. Just..'.. She sighed, running a hand through the back of his hair... 'Just be safe hero, please? I need you safe, to come home to me..'

'I promise Iz..'.. He kissed her with everything he had, needing to feel her, to show her how much she meant to him.

She rested her forehead against his... 'You need sleep. Come on..'.. She got off his lap, pulling him up with her, and into the bedroom.


Bucky paced about, as Nat and Maria told them their lead. He worried about him and Izzy being left alone, but as Maria said, this tower had the tech needed to lockdown completely, ensuring no one got in.

'Are you sure that lead is legit?..'.. Sam asked, as he sat next to Maria, putting his arm around the back if the couch behind her... 'What if it's a diversion?..'

'We're checking it out. So far intel shows the base is operational, Bruce said he can run tests to track the signature of the scepter, like he did with the tesseract..'.. Ant looked over to Bruce.

'We ran tests on it, back when we were on the helicarrier. We still have all the data in the system. If it's being used then the gamma signature will peak. I've already got Jarvis scanning the area where the base is located. We will have an accurate reading if it gets used..'.. Bruce smiled back over to Nat.

'I still don't like this..'.. Bucky shook his head... 'I should come with you on the mission..'

'No Buck, we still haven't been able to remove the words. Anyone at that base may know them, and trigger the soldier..'.. Steve steps forward, putting a hand in his shoulder... 'You and Izzy are our priority. We have to keep you safe. I trust you all to watch out for her, when we go..'

'You know she could take us all down without breaking a sweat, right?..'.. Nat gives Steve a look... 'Its more like she'll watch out for them..'... She gestures to Sam, Bucky and Maria.

Maria chuckles... 'You have no idea the lengths she'll go to, to protect the people she cares about..'

Hills words hit Clint, and he knew she was right. There was nothing Izzy wouldn't do, and he knew right then, she was up to something. He had a feeling that she had been watching them all from her apartment a few floors down, coming up with a plan. He hoped to get a chance to talk to her, find out what it is.


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