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Tony groaned from the pounding in his head. His eyes felt heavy but he forced them open, squinting from the lights in his face. He could hear others talking but it was just a droning noise in his ears. He rolled his head around, trying to figure out where he was, but he was surrounded by lights, unable to see past them.

'Well well well, look who's awake...'.. The voice echoed around, and he had no clue as to who it was. Looking down at himself, he was in a chair, with thick metal bands around his wrists, biceps, waist and ankles, holding him in place.

He noted that his watch and reactor had gone, the ones that contained his suit and glove. Even his boots had been taken... 'a scotch wouldn't go amiss..'... Tony sighed. He thought their cabin was safe, but clearly he was wrong.

'The famous Stark humour..'.. The male voice chuckled. Whoever it was, was walking around, outside of the lights... 'Thanks for the tech, we'll make good use of it..'

'Let me guess, money? Tech? A comfy cell on the raft?..'.. Tony squited, trying to see anything but the bright lights.

'Not at all, but we will take it anyway. What we want, is a little more... human, than that..'... The man tells him.

'What? Can't get a girl? Or a guy? Whatever it is you're into, you got to resort to this extreme?..'.. Tony raised his fingers, shaking his head... 'I'm flattered, but taken..'

'Oh, we know. She's what we want, you're the bait..'..

Tony scoffed a laugh... 'You're so fucking dead. She's going to kill you. No, no actually, she's going to rip you apart with her bare hands..'

'Having her in our hands, will drawn the winter soldier back, and we'll get Rogers too. A three for one deal, I like our odds..'..

Tony knew her well enough, that she wouldn't let Barnes come with her to find him. He smirked, he was sure she was already on her way now, and knowing her, she wouldn't come as Izzy, or Pheonix. These people, Hydra had no fucking idea what they've just done.

Tony shifted more comfortably, and smiled... 'Really? Cause I got odds on every one of you being killed, and I'll be walking out of here. How long have we been here?..'... He wagged a finger around.

'Is that so?..'.. Tony heard footsteps coming behind him, snd he saw the man move in front of him. Tony frowned, as he looked the man over... 'Remroid? No, that's not it. Scarface? Nope, not that either..'.. Tony frowned then snapped his fingers... 'Freddy Kruger..'

Tony got punched in the face, his head whipping to the right, and he could taste blood in his mouth... 'I wonder, will she even recognise you, once I'm done with you?..'

Tony rolled his head back, as he looked up at Brock Rumlow. The man had scaring down one side of his face, and Tony rolled his eyes... 'You clearly don't know my wife...'... He smirked up at the guy... 'I bet, she's already here..'


Izzy moved swiftly, taking down the guards at the south side of the building. She pulled the pin, and threw the flash grenade in through the doors. Once it went off, she slipped inside, pulling her blades, spinning them in her hands.

Seeing one guard coughing in front of her through the smoke, she swiped her blade across his throat and kept walking, hearing his body thud to the floor, as he gargled.

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