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In the few weeks that followed her video announcement to the world, Izzy had won over the majority of the people. Many had spoken out in public and on social media how great it was that she had tamed Stark.

She loved to tease him about it, and they had began to settle into their old routine of their relationship, though they hadn't slept together, not yet.

She had finally found a way to erase the winter solider programming in Bucky, and had spent the last few hours in her lab, ensuring everything was perfect. She wanted her pops to be completely free. Stark had been creating him an new arm in secret too, waiting until she was ready.

Seeing Friday show her the successful simulation, Izzy shrieked, bouncing around happy. This was it, and she couldn't even wait.... 'Friday, call everyone here now, especially pops..'.. Bruce burst in, looking panicked.

'Heard you screaming, everything ok?..'. His eyes strayed to the holo, seeing the success of the sim. He smiled at her, walking over to hug her... 'You did it Iz, that's amazing..'

She put her arm around his back, leaning her head on his shoulder as they looked at it... 'I did it. Its going to take almost a full day, as I have to be careful, but I need to order the parts, to build it. Will you help me?..'.. She smiled across at him.

'You know I will..'.. He rubbed her arm, as the others walked in. Tony wasn't with them, but he was probably busy on the arm. Izzy bounced over, snd grabbed hold of Bucky, dragging him in front of the holo.

'We have a successful simulation. I did it, I found a way to remove the soldier..'... She gave his hand a squeeze, grinning madly... 'Bruce and Stark will help me build the machine I need, between the three of us, we can do it within a week. You're going to be free pops..'

Bucky stared at the results in front of him, and then to her bright eyes. He couldn't speak, but wrapped her up in his arms, burying his face into her neck... 'It will be a long process once we're up and running..'.. She stepped back, cupping his face and wiping the few tears that fell... 'almost a full day, but you'll be asleep the whole time. When you wake up, you'll just be you..'

He kissed her head, and turned, smiling over at Steve. Izzy could see the love shining from the both of them, knowing how much this beast to both men.

'I thought you'd like to all know, and we could celebrate? Go out to dinner together, as a family..'... Izzy smiled around at everyone, who all agreed... 'Friday, wheres Stark?..'

'Boss' car and tracker shows he's still at the cabin..'..

'Call him, tell him to come home, we're going to celebrate..'.. Izzy heads to her desk to save her data.

'Sorry Mrs Stark, his phone is off. I'm checking satellite images of the area, perhaps he got lost in his work..'..

Izzy felt a sense of dread. Starks phone was never off, not even at night. The damn thing would annoy her with how much it would go off with some notification or other... 'Friday, show me satellite images from the moment he arrived until now. Track all signals that would ping off towers within a 10 mile radius. Triangulate the nearest three to the cabin, any that are not Starks phone, I want them traced, right now..'

She quickly saved the data, and moved back to the holo... 'Everyone, I want you suited up and ready to go. Bruce, you're staying here, running ops..'.. She started swiping through the images that came up.

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