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A few hours later, Izzy got a call from Hill, letting her know Rogers was awake, but Barnes had woke up in a panic, and had to be sedated. She advised to keep him down, until she arrived.

She got out of bed, dressing quickly as Tony stepped from the bathroom, watching her.

'He's awake..'.. She pulled on a pair of jeans, and reached for a tshirt in her closet. Tony grabbed her shoes from the floor, walking over to her with them.

'Do you want me to come with you?..'.. He asked, wanting take sure she was ok.

'Always..'.. She took her shoes, and kissed him lightly... 'I'll make us both a coffee to go, and grab us something to eat too. I'll meet you downstairs when you're ready..'

Tony kissed her head, as he put his hands on her waist to walk behind her to the closet. Grabbing fresh clothes she slipped from the room. Tony smiled, seeing a spring in her step. He had worried after her emotional breakdown last night, that everything was too much for her, but he knew she was strong, and he would do whatever it took, to keep her safe.


Izzy opened the door, peeking in and seeing Sam sat at Caps side. She gave him a small smile as he looked up at her, and he nodded to Rogers in the bed... 'He's asleep again, but he'll wake up shortly. How are you doing?..'

Izzy stepped into the room, and Tony followed, closing the door. She walked to the other side, to sit on the small couch under the window with Tony... 'I'm ok, could be better..'.. She sighed, leaning into Tony as he put his arm around her... 'SHIELD is down, but Hydra is still active. Every thing is out there now, except about me..'.. She tilted her head, and smiled at Tony... 'Thank you, for scrubbing those files..'

'There's no record at all from SHIELD about you now. Shadow never existed..'.. He smiled at her, kissing the top of her head. She looked back over to Sam.

'Thank you Sam, for everything, for being there for him...'.. She nods to Rogers in the bed.

Sam chuckled, looking between Steve and Izzy... 'Yeah I can see the resemblance now. Its crazy you're his kid..'

Izzy rolled her eyes at him... 'Yeah, cause a 97 year old super soldier, who looks like he's almost 30, has a 70 year old super soldier daughter, who looks the same age. Its crazy..'

She heard him chuckle, and shot up, coming to his side, as he looked at her... 'It is weird..'.. Steve rasped out, smiling at her. He could see the relief in her face.

'How you doing Cap? Need more pain meds? A bed bath? I'm sure there's a nurse here willing to give you a rub down..'.. She grinned at him, as Tony came to stand with her.

'What, couldn't get a few swings in yourself Rogers? You look like shit..'.. Tony grinned at him, and Izzy slapped a hand to his chest.

'Cut him some slack ok. He found out he had a daughter and his best friend is alive and tried to kill him, not to mention everything else..'.. She tells him. Izzy looks back to Rogers, taking his hand in hers... 'Bucky is ok. I've said to keep him sedated for now, until I can find a way to help ease him back into it. Me and Stark will find a way to overcome the programming in him..'.. She grinned at Rogers... 'He is my uncle after all..'

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