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Izzy let out a breath, as she watched the jet take off, the team heading to Sokovia to retrieve the scepter. The tower was empty of everyone, aside from her, Bucky, Sam, Maria and a few agents. She hated what she had to do, but it was the only way to protect Tony from her.

'Come on, let's get a drink, they won't be gone too long..'.. Bucky put his arm around her and she nodded, walking back inside with him and Sam.

'Anyone hungry? I'll make lunch and we can hangout?..'.. Izzy said, giving the two of them a smile... 'Jarvis already has the tower on lockdown so we can just take it easy...'

'Depends, what you cooking?..'.. Sam asked, grinning across at her.

'Fajitas? I'll cook and prep everything, and lay it out. Everyone can make their own then..'.. She nodded at him, and he bounced on his feet, happy.

'I'll go tell Hill..'.. Sam rushed off once they got back onto the main floor.

'Could he be any more obvious?..'.. She laughed, and headed to the bar with Bucky. She slipped to the other side as he sat down and poured them both a drink... 'Shame we can't get drunk, could really do with a buzz, you know..'.. She slid him his, and leaned on the bar.

'How are you doing? I'm sorry about dropping that on you last week-..'..

'Hey, I'm glad you did. We now know what they want, so we can stop them. I know you would never do that to me Buck..'.. She puts her hand on top of his, giving him a reassuring smile... 'We may not be family by blood, but you will always be my uncle buck..'

He sighed, and sipped his drink... 'From what I remember of Hydra talking about Shadow, you made the winter soldier look like child's play...'

Izzy chuckled, taking a large gulp of her drink... 'Want to go one on one later? Test that theory?..'

Bucky shook his head laughing... 'I think I'd need medical help afterwards. How are things between you and Stark?..'

'We're good. He saved me, many times but..'.. She sighed... 'I worry that they'll get him and hurt him, kill him to get to me. I have to protect him Buck, I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to him, he's my home..'

'We won't let that happen Iz. He's got the others with him right now, he'll be ok..'.. Bucky reassured her.

'I know, I know, you're all my family. I know Steve is my biological father, and I love him, I just wish I could get in touch with my dad, I don't know where the hell he is, but I need to know if he knew about all this..'.. She waves a hand in the air... 'He kept a lot of secrets from me, did he know that they knew where I was this whole time? Was he a part of it?..'

Bucky could see she was weighed down by it all, and he took her hand in his metal one... 'I don't know the answers to that, but from what you've told me, he kept it from you, to protect you, keep you safe. He sounds like a good guy, I'm sure he loves you, and wouldn't do that to you..'

She nodded, and drank her glass clear... 'Ok, enough of the emotional baggage, come on, you can help me with lunch..'.. She gave his hand a squeeze and moved from behind the bar, and headed to the kitchen, with him in tow.


Tony sighed, watching her and Bucky on the screen, hearing their conversation. Part of him felt as though she was planning something. He knew her well enough, that when it came to him, she would always do whatever it took, to protect him.

'Tony, we need to go over this..'.. He heard Steve call to him, and turned, heading over to the table, to go through their plan. He just hoped, that she was still there when they got back.

Clint remained silent as he saw Tony watch Izzy. He hated that he knew she was upto something, and the others didn't know. She had asked him to trust her, and he did, he just didn't want anything to happen to her. He didn't want to think how much it would affect the team, especially Tony. Her words 'One life for thousands', he knew she had planned on dying, and taking Hydra down with her. Shaking his head, he just wanted this mission over with, so they could get back.


Izzy smiled around at everyone as they all sat at the table, eating their lunch. They were all talking and laughing, telling stories of their past missions. She stood up, clearing her plate, and taking it to the kitchen... 'I'll be back, need the bathroom..'.. She called back to them, and headed to the elevator. Once she was inside, she let out a breath... 'Jarvis, initiate covert protocol..'

'Protocol initiated Miss Matthews. Would you like me to erase the data?..'

She felt a few tears slip from her eyes and she let out a shaky breath... 'Yes please. Release the message when they return. Disable tracking on my car. I'm sorry to do this to you Jarvis..'

'No apology needed Miss, I understand that you wish to protect them. They are all now asleep at the table, no adverse reactions. They will awake again in a few hours..'..

Izzy nodded, and stepped out onto the armoury floor, heading to her locker. Hydra wanted Shadow, they were going to get her. They just didn't know about her extremis power, not yet. Stripping off, she slipped into her Shadow suit, before putting her civilian clothes back on. She grabbed her backpack, putting her mask and weapons inside.

Hydra may be watching the tower now, unable to get inside. She had made sure Jarvis' mainframe was impenetrable, with her and Tony only having access. Once she was ready, she had Jarvis take her down to the garage, and she walked over to her new car... 'Jarvis, active Shade protocol..'.. The windows of the car tinted dark, barely able to see inside... 'Drive as far as you can outside the city, away from people. Once they're close enough, blow it..'

'Of course Miss..'.. The car started and then took off, out onto the streets.

'Goodbye Jarvis..'.. She heads to an old access point, that even Tony didn't know about. She pulled open the grate, seeing the 3ft square gap, knowing it would be a tight squeeze. Dropping her bag down into the tunnel, she shuffled herself, through, dragging the grate back into place and dropping down.

Landing on her feet, she had to remain crouched, as she made her way through the maze of tunnels. Izzy knew this would kill her, but she didn't care, this was to save him, save them all. Coming to the intersection, that was blocked off by bars, she put her hands to them, using her extremis to melt them, so she could get through.

It took her another 20 minutes to get far enough away, and she got to the 28th street subway station. Slipping through the gaps, she waited, listening for any trains that were coming through. Hearing none, she jumped onto the track, and headed towards the platforms, off to the left.

Making sure to remain unnoticed, she was thankful it was busy, so no one would know. Keeping her hat and hood in place, she headed up the steps, and out onto the street.

Hydra had no idea what she had planned for them, and she was going to tear them all down. She just hoped, her hero would forgive her.


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