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Izzy watched from the doorway, as the others suited back up, ready to go. Bruce, Sam and Bucky were heading back to the tower, only because Izzy threatened them. She didn't want the girl to trigger Bruce or Bucky, and having Sam there, he could be the eyes in the sky, circling to make sure there were no tricks from either Maximoff.

Nat, Steve and Clint were going to Seoul, to check in on Dr Cho, and Izzy was going with Stark. She made the point that he was the one Ultron wanted the most, and needed protecting.

Once they were all ready, they headed out and loaded up onto the jet. She kept in the back, watching the team as they talked out their plans together. She zoned out, thinking back to the day she realised, she was in love with Stark, it was when they attended the firefighters family fund gala, and seeing him in that tux, she knew right then and there, he had her heart completely.

'Whoever he is, is one lucky guy, if you're smiling like that..'.. She looks up, seeing Stark across from her, his arms folded as he watches her.

Izzy chuckles, shaking her head... 'He's my hero. He saved me, when I was a kid. I didn't know it until a few years ago. I started working for him, not realising it at the time..'... She took a deep breath, looking down at her ring finger. It was still there, under her glove... 'He's perfectly imperfect. Smart, kind, compassionate, loyal. He keeps the darkness away, you know..'

Tony watched her, seeing her soften she spoke... 'We were supposed to be married by now, but there was always something cropping up. Mainly my past, catching up, getting in the way. I had to leave, to protect him. I never wanted to, but..'.. Tony could see her eyes shine as she looked up at him... 'I did something. I literally gave up everything, to protect him. Him, my family, my life..'.. Her voice was barely a whisper.

'I know he hates me for leaving him. I promised I wouldn't..'... She sniffled, not realising the others were listening in... 'I had to protect him, protect the one person, I love more than anyone or anything in this world. He saved me, so many times, and I had to save him, from my past, from me..'.. She nodded as tears fell, looking back down at her hand.

'If he loves you, he'd understand. I can see how much he means to you..'.. Tony felt an ache in his chest, and he absently rubbed it... 'Honestly, any guy who has someone like you, should be counting themselves lucky..'

He saw her let out a little laugh, wiping her eyes... 'I know he loves me. I know her would tear this world apart to find me, talk to me. Oh, don't get me wrong..'.. He saw her space out, and smirk... 'He'll make sure I know not to do it again..'.. Even he felt himself blush, catching on. He glanced to the others, seeing them all listening... 'But he's everything to me..'.. She looked back over to him with a smile... 'We're partners, a team..'

'Then he'll forgive you..'.. Tony said, giving her a reassuring smile. He kind of felt jealous, whoever this guy was, he was incredibly lucky.

'I hope so..'.. Nat watched the two, but something in her could see how this woman was looking at Tony. She really wanted to understand and find out who this woman was.

'Nix?..'.. She cleared her throat, standing up and watching the woman as she turned. Nat had a gut feeling, and those were always right... 'This fiancé of yours..'.. Nat saw it. The smallest of glances back at Tony. They all knew this woman, they had spoken about it when she had left the house just after they first arrived there... 'это он сейчас стоит напротив тебя? (Is he standing in front of you now?)..'

'откуда ты знаешь, что я говорю по-русски? (how do you know that I speak Russian?)..'... The woman shook her head, sighing.

'You didn't answer my question..'.. Nat could see the emotions, swirling in the womans eyes.

'Yes..'.. She gave Nat a genuine smile... 'Never could get anything past you, Nattie..'.. Nat now knew, they were close. Only one other person in her life ever called her 'Nattie', and the fact this woman said it, showed that she had confided in her. Nat dropped her arms, and walked over, hugging her tight.

'что ты сделал? (What did you do?)..'.. Nat asked, as the woman held onto her.

'я заставил вас всех забыть меня. (I made you all forget me)..'.. She whispered.

Nat stepped back, taking a deep breath... 'Ok, I trust her. With my life..'.. Nat turned to the others, seeing them all watching intently... 'She's not going to screw us over. Anyone questions her any more, before she's ready to say, I'll kick your asses myself..'.. Nix burst out giggling, as Nat put an arm around her shoulders... 'Now, get your shit together, we got a crazy robot to kill..'

Izzy felt some relief, that one of them now knew. Out of everyone, Nat was probably the one that would understand the most... 'Thanks Nattie..'

Nat smiled across at her... 'сестры держатся вместе (sisters stick together)..'

Tony could see, that Nat knew the truth of this woman. Of all the people on the jet, Nat was like a vault, she wouldn't say a damn thing, not even under extreme torture. He wanted to know what was said, but he didn't speak a word of russian. Shaking his head, he moved to the front of the jet, to talk with Fury and Steve.

Bucky cleared his throat, stealing another glance over to the two women. He understood what they said, Russian was one of the languages he learned as the winter soldier. Hearing Nix say, that she made them all forget her, he thought back over to the other things she had said.

She had spoken about her fiancé, which he now knew was Stark, and Steve had said that she looked like his mother, but with his eyes. It didn't take him long to piece it together. Steve was her father, and when she said about her uncle, it had to be him. Bucky felt a blow to his stomach. How could she be Steve's daughter, when he went into the ice in the forties?

That she knew russian, was young, and clearly a fighter, he guessed that she had somehow been in Hydras hold at some point. She said her past was catching up to her, and she left to protect them. Shaking his head, he felt such heartache for her, to have sacrificed so much, being here with her family, and they didn't know who she was.

He had a million and one questions swirling around in his head. Glancing back over to them, he could see Nat was now protective over the woman.


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