I'm not sure what has made her suddenly uncomfortable, but as I go to rush her into the house, a police officer pulls up...I assume this is the Officer Jeon she spoke about. It's weird, the vibes I get from him are akin to comradery and a mutual desire to care for Tia. We sit with her, patiently trying to calm her. Glancing at Jungkook, I see that he's already looking at me, his eyes look a bit misty as if he wants to cry for her. It breaks my heart to see them like this and makes me want to kill the motherfucker that's tormenting Tia. After a while, there is a stillness that comes over her.

"Are you guys hungry? I just feel like I need to be doing something, anything to occupy myself. I can make one of my favorite comfort meals."

Even during this situation they are going through, I feel so happy at this moment, with her and Officer Jeon. It feels safe, authentic, inviting, and loving...like home. Is it wrong of me to feel this way at this moment?

Once Tia is done cooking, I wash up and go to join them at the dinner table. The food smells heavenly and looks amazing. We chat and steal glances from each other as we eat, the hardy meal is perfectly seasoned with just a touch of spiciness. It is delicious, warming my belly, and filling us quickly. The glow of the 'on' switch on the coffee maker catches my attention out of my peripheral, causing me to notice something small and square just under the lip of the countertop. When we've all had our fill, I collect the dishes to wash, wanting to help Tia in any way that I can and to show gratitude for the meal.

"Would you like for me to turn the coffee maker off?" I'm running dish water and placing our dishes in when she answers.

"Fuck...yes, please. I don't know what is going on with my brain lately, I completely forgot about that. Thank you, Tae."

Jesus, hearing the new nickname coming out of her mouth has me about to melt into a puddle. My heart is racing and my mind is thinking of ways to hear it everyday for the rest of my life. What is wrong with me?

After I reach over to turn the coffee off, I feel under the counter for the mysterious object and after looking at it, realize that someone has planted a bug. Not wanting to cause Tia to panic, I drop the device into the water with a bloop.

I know that it's time for me to leave being that I have another job to get to, but I really don't want to leave her...to leave them. Going to say goodbye to Tia, I react off of impulse, touching her cheek then pulling her up to hold her and kiss her full lips. I'm not understanding why I feel this way and why I'm so bold to act this way with a stranger, but she feels nothing like that...she feels like I've known her forever.

When I hesitantly release her, I make sure to give her my number so that she can reach me at any time. At this point, I'll do anything to make sure she's okay. I go to show Jungkook some love before I go, and make sure to slip the now defective device into his palm. I have a feeling that he will understand my sentiments without having to speak a word, keeping this from Tia as to not spook her any further.

Tia's POV

Trembling in the corner, on my bathroom floor, disregarding the fact that my screen shows it's well past midnight, I call Taehyung. I'm not sure why, but I have this overwhelming need to hear his voice. Not in the mind frame to analyze my feelings at the moment, I just press the phone to my ear, listening to the rings until I hear his velvety smooth voice respond.

"Hello? Tia? Are you okay?"

"Tae, I'm scared. Someone is outside the house, just standing in the front yard, watching. JK is still downstairs, what if something happens to him." I'm unable to continue speaking as tears begin to cascade down my cheeks and I cry into my shirt.

Without hesitation, he responds with, "I'm on my way. Stay where you are."

"Don't hang up!"

"I'm not going to hang up, baby... I'm coming, okay. Everything will be okay."

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