--P R O L O G U E--

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A lightning strike again for the second time.

In a very dark castle.

One man was hiding in the shadows.

"Give her to me and I'll definitely set the country free."

His dark voice echoed. He raised his hands towards to the man in front of him, who was now carrying a young woman in his arms. A young woman who had a pale face.

"Why would I do that! I will never give her to you even if I lose my country!"

The man who was in the light, shouted. He was desperate. Desperate to save his country from this cruel man(the man in the shadows). But his heart belongs to this woman. If he had to sacrifice anything, he would sacrifice his own life over this woman. The woman he deeply loved.

Although he was a king, there is no way he could sacrifice his beloved!

He loves her more than the kingdom he reigned!

"Oh, but what if I say you'll get nothing in the end?"

The man in the shadows suddenly said.


"You see, that woman you are carrying, I also love her."

The man glooming in the shadows had a smirk on his face, confessing the deep truth. But the other man did not believe him as he slightly backed away, feeling the tense in his feet. His body sharpened up, knowing this man was dangerous.

"Love? HAHAHA!" The man in the light, dryly laughed. "You love her? Yet, you tried every way to destroy her. IS THAT REALLY LOVE?"

"I do love her...but she chose you. So, I had to do something."


The man in the light then looked at the woman he was carrying... he looked at her pale face. The dry lips she had and the eyes that seemed to never open anymore. His body churn from thinking about the death of this woman. It felt his world would crumble if she will die. His face instantly darkened.

"You really are a monster to begin with..."

"...Call me whatever you want. But that doesn't really matter anyway. The thing is, the woman can still be saved."


Suddenly, there was a slight hope that started arising from the man in the light.

"I have an antidote."

The man in the light suddenly flinched as his body shook by the unbelievable news.

"You...you are bluffing." Disbelief as he is, he tried to deny the man's words.

"I am not bluffing. After all, I made the poison myself."

The man in the shadows grinned menacingly. Contrarily, the man in the light had the opposite reaction.


Now, the man in the light had the urge that beyond of his control, raising his sword to the man hiding in the shadows. But, remembering he had the woman in his arms, the love forced his urge to stop.

"Give me the saintess and I'll make sure to treat her well and never appear in front of your sight again."

The man started thinking. He thought deeply. He knew that the man in the shadows was planning more sinister from this, but... if he doesn't give her to him, she'll die.

The other man wouldn't give the antidote that easily since, he also wanted the woman he loved.

He was also an ambitious man.

I CHANGED THE VILLAIN'S ROLE 💜✍️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ