Chapter 9.3: Another Love

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Prowler Miles

We went on the roofs then we suddenly met another Peter.

"Okay let's start this from the beginning-" yeah then he introduced himself, I didn't listen I don't care then Gwen, the scientist stared at me. "You really have a good hair."

"Yeah thanks." I went away from the spider people. Miles is there yeah but they are wary of me. Gwen followed me and we took a walk from this city.

"You know earth has really successful spiderman so far I mean if you think about it, our Peter Parker is almost perfect." She explained then she stopped to ask me. "what about your Peter Parker?"

"We don't have Peter Parker." I replied then she frowned. "What?? Did he die?"

"Nope, he's just nonexistent." I said then suddenly a bunch of people came and asked for her picture.

"Wah.. uhnmm guys.." I watched her and she smiled at me awkwardly. "Help please, I'm kinda famous here-"

I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as I can. Then we went to an alleyway. I gave her my retractable mask for the meantime.

"Woah, your mask is cool." She then smiled at me and her face brightens. "You are way cooler than Spiderman."

My heart starts beating fast and then she hold my hand again. We walked while she holds my hand and wears my mask.

She's kinda cute and elegant. She's like sunshine. We continued hanging out while Miles learned his ways.

They tried to rebuild collider but without Gwen, they always failed. After a week or so, they gave me and Peter b a watch. Other spider people accidentally stumbles this universe too because of the collider.

Queenie and Peter tried to fixed it but it's too much for them to handle. Another week has passed and Gwen and I became official.

"Your gonna introduce me to Spider Miles parents?" Gwen asked to me excitedly and I smiled at her. "Well, I mean they officially adopted me and I guess they are now my parents so-"

"I'm so excited Miles." She then held my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. "You're great, always remember that."

"Awwwww that's so sweet." Spider came in without knocking, I mean yeah it's our room but still.. "Shut up, Spider."

"Oh my god, you two are now together?" He just jumps happily and he hugs me. "I'm proud of you, brother."

"Shut up!!" I pushed him away and he laughed then he finally went on the door. "You guys better prepared coz it's dinner time!"

She's still holding my hand and I'm not letting her go. Suddenly the window broke and she was grabbed by a tentacles shit.

"Gwen!!" I didn't let go of her hand and she also didn't. "Miles!!!"

Our grip on our hands broke and it didn't take long for that shit to take her fully. Ms. Octopus took her outside with all the chaos and destruction. Spider came in to rescue.

"What happened?" He asked to me and I explained. "The fucking octopus is taking, Gwen!"

Spider suited up and I also suited up for this. I then went outside to see the full few, it wasn't Spider's octopus. Queenie and Peter arrived at the scene as well and the other spider people too.

"Hey pink Miles!" The noir greeted me and ham corrected him. "he's purple, how many times do I have to tell you that?"

Then other villains from another universe arrived as well. "Hey, Morales Twins! You two follow Liv and we all go and fight the others."

We nodded and I just realized something. She called her Liv.. huh... That's odd. Anyways me and Spider swings by him clinging onto buildings and I clinging onto his webs. It's pretty good teamwork.

The octopus just went to the top of the clock tower and we fought there. But then it suddenly let go of Gwen.

"Gwen!!" I shouted as I jumped to save her. Spider tried to jump as well but he got caught by the octopus.

I almost reach her hand, almost. Then as she hits the ground, her spark on her eyes were gone. I grippled on the wall and had safe landing.

I slowly walked to her lifeless body and called her. "Gwen?"

Then Peter arrived and he immediately cried. "You-... I'm sorry, Miles.."

We held a funeral for her and buried her in the same cemetery as her mother. I stayed a little longer on her grave and Peter stood beside me.

"Would it make any difference if I was like you, a Spiderman?" I asked to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Sadly, it won't."

Queenie joined us and answered as well. "You won't be able to save her even if you're spiderman."

"What makes spiderman, spiderman??" I asked to them and they both sighed. "I guess it's losing someone you love the most."

"I've lost everyone already.." I replied and Peter tapped me. "You still have Spider Miles."

"Still doesn't answer my question." I uttered and Queenie just held my hand. "Being a spiderman means saving one person, just one. It might have an effect only on the neighborhood but I guess that's what makes us a friendly neighborhood spiderman, right?"

She fixed my hair and continued. "As long as you have one person, you are very lucky. Some spiderman can't afford to have one and you don't need to be spiderman to protect people. You just need to be yourself."

Peter also comforted me by saying. "Just be the best version of yourself, not the best prowler nor the best spiderman. Just be the best you."

"Thanks.." I still held my tears. "I'll remember that."

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