Chapter 27: Multiverse

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"Where is Alexis?" I panicked when I didn't saw him in the room or anywhere else in this house. "Wha-" Miles was speechless.

I quickly swung from the window and mindlessly tried to find him. As I approached the abandoned warehouse,  my senses were on high alert. The air was thick with tension, and the weight of responsibility settled heavily on my shoulders. I had no time to waste.

With a deft leap and a web-sling, I ascended to the rooftop, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of activity. A faint cry for help reached my ears, and I pinpointed the source—a cracked window through which a sliver of light seeped.

I moved with the grace of a seasoned acrobat, my web-shooters releasing tendrils of webbing that carried me through the window. As I landed silently on the warehouse floor, my gaze fell upon the scene before me—Alexis, bound and trembling, his youthful eyes filled with fear.

Without hesitation, I sprung into action. With a fluid motion, I severed the restraints that held Alexis captive. "You're safe now," I assured, my voice carrying a reassuring strength.

Alexis' eyes widened in astonishment as I held him in my arms.  Hope flickered in his gaze, a spark of light in the midst of darkness. "Sir Hobie?"

He then started to cry and embraced me. "I was so scared."

I just let him cry and hugged him back. I can't blame the kid, what happened anyways?

I sighed and talked to him "What happened, kid?"

"uhhh...." Maybe it's a traumatic experience for him, I'll give him time. 

"You know what, why don't we go and explore New York city?" He nodded faintly and I gently lifted him up then we swung away from this werehouse. 

As we navigated the crowded streets, Alexis' eyes widened with awe at the towering skyscrapers and the colorful array of people from all walks of life. I chuckled, my voice a blend of amusement and camaraderie. "Welcome to the Big Apple, kid. Today, we're gonna explore some of the hidden gems that make this city special."

Our first stop was a cozy cafe nestled in a quiet corner, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. I ordered my favorite drink and led Alexis to a window seat overlooking a park. "This place has some of the best coffee in town. It's a little escape from the chaos." I ordered him a good for kid drink. 

As we sipped ou drinks, I shared stories of his own experiences in the city, my words a mix of nostalgia and fondness. "New York has a way of surprising you. You just have to know where to look."

I called Miles to join us and he arrived quickly as I expected. We wandered through cobblestone streets and hidden alleyways. Miles pointed out historical landmarks, quirky shops, and street art that adorned the city's walls. Alexis' eyes sparkled with excitement, his curiosity ignited by each new discovery.

We stumbled upon a park where a live jazz band was playing, their melodies drifting through the air like a soothing embrace. I grinned, his fingers tapping to the rhythm. "Music, kid, it's like a language that connects us all. Let it move you." I saw Miles in the corner of my eye, he was looking at me. 

With an encouraging nod from me, Alexis joined the impromptu dance that had formed among the park-goers. For a moment, they were all united by the music, lost in the joy of the present. Me and Miles gladly watched him, I put my arm around his shoulder and he leaned to me. 

As the day continued, we found themselves in a bustling street market, where vendors sold an array of goods, from handmade crafts to exotic foods. Miles and Alexis sampled street food from different cultures, embracing the diversity that defined the city.

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