Chapter 7: Anarchy

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Why is my name on the necklace?? I quickly stepped back and the necklace and bracelet stopped shining. What is happening?

I sat on the chair and just had a thinking session on my desk. Are past lives real? If the multiverse is real, maybe... It is too? But i don't believe in reincarnation, maybe it's something else.

Queenie... She stopped us from going to Earth-1610. She knows something. I can feel it. Something's really off. I'm starting to connect dots here. Our matching accessories... Queenie stopping us.. deja vu and me just have the guts to buy cheeseburgers.

Then I fixed this watch and it suddenly turned on. It worked? I went on the rooftop and tried it. It opened a portal. It's working??

I then stopped by Gwen's universe and Pav's universe. I left a little surprised from them both. Yes I made a lot of this and surprisingly, all of them worked.

When I came back to my universe, it's already morning. Please Miles don't cause any trouble. He's not in my apartment.

Then someone called me and I answered. "Hello, Spiderman. This is the president.." I quickly hanged up and went to out place.

This is happening like ten times a day! Ten times, Norman. I arrived with mask on and my guitar. I am so done at this point.

It's on a rooftop, and Miles was tied up. That's useless, I know Miles could freed himself.

"HERE IT IS THE-" I quickly interrupted him by saying. "Can we wrap this up real quick? I'm kinda busy."

"Wha- I have your friend tied up." Then Miles broke himself free, just like I thought. He pushes the president down and Norman falls.

"Oh bloody shit." I mumbled.

We looked down and the president is on the ground. He couldn't stand but he's still breathing....I think. Then my spider sense tickles and I quickly dragged Miles out of this. It's a trap.

"Impressive." I murmured to Miles while we are running and being chased by these venom soldiers.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"I quickly interrupted Miles by saying "You just freed everyone else and did my job."

"I killed the president." He worried so much.

"No, you didn't." I replied while bullets and shits almost hit us.

"He fell down because of me." Miles uttered and I smirked. "He died of natural causes unfortunately."

"HOW IS THAT NATURAL CAUSES??" Miles shouted and I avoided his gaze

"Last time I checked, Gravity is natural." I replied to him and he glared at me.

"So don't guilt trip yourself, you've got a lot to learn.." I uttered then I looked at him. "How did he even kidnapped you?"

"Well I-" then someone appeared behind us, it was the President. "See?  He's not even dead. You've got nothing to worry about, mate."

"Well I have something to worry about and it's the fact he's right there... Chasing us down and probably wanna kill us." Miles pointed at the President and I sighed.

"This is really tiring." Then thankfully Aaron appeared out of nowhere and blocked them. "I've got spiders, you go on and maybe move out?"

"Hell nah, ain't paying for another space." I answered then Aaron looked at me. "You got your apartment for free, Hobart."

"Oh.. I still payed for my breakfast." I replied and he just ignored me.

After a few running sessions we finally got out of that situation. I am so tired, I can't even.

We went to my home again and I just rest on the couch. "That was an experience."

"Uhhh can I sit next to you?" He asked and I took off my mask. "Feel free to do so."

"So this is what it feels like being you..?" Miles sat next to me and start questioning bizarre questions. "Yes." I then faced him and glanced at his necklace.

"You know what I found out recently? Your necklace says something when it glows." I said then I slowly touched the necklace with my hand where my bracelet was also dangling.

They both glowed and our gaze met. "See? It glows."

"Wha." Miles then looked up to see my name again and he's kinda breathing hard. "Uhh... Why?? Why.. WHYY??"

"I don't know..." I leaned closer to him and whispered... "..yet.."

He then faced me and our faces were very close to each other. We can feel each other's breathe. His face reddened and I remained calm.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I asked to him then he looked away. "because I don't."

"Well I- don't know." He replied then suddenly someone opened the door.

"Hi Hobie, I recieved your watch and follow your instructions and I took off Miguel's device and I-" Gwen stared at Miles with widened eyes. "Miles??"

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