Chapter 22: Sacrifice

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There she was, standing in front of her made up machine. She looks terrific and her hands are shaking.

"If you press that, I'll never forgive you even in my other life." I glared at her and stepped closer. "I'll never forget."

Everyone in the headquarters came and all of us surrounded her. It seems like Prowler guided them here.

"She will die..." She stood her ground and I just lost it. "She was dead! Years ago, Queenie. How many times we have to suffer because of your selfishness?" Prowler asked to her and she looked at him with despair.

"You'll understand soon what I felt." She uttered then she just deactivated the machine.

"I wish you all the best.." she opened a portal and just left.

We were left speechless, how could she do that so easily?

Miles quickly opened a portal and I followed him. "Miles? Miles? What's wro-"

My eyes widened as soon as I saw the view, bloody hands of Queenie and Quinzel on the ground, lifeless.

"She was murdered years ago..." Miles mumbled and he clenched his fist. " a man... Who can time travel like Timothee."

"Who?" I asked and he just looked at me with teary eyes. "We never find out his identity, or they find out."

Then we stepped closer to Queenie but she was just standing still. She's staring at her sister.

"Why do you have to kill her this time?" Miles asked to her and she gulped. "She'll suffer if I don't."

"Hypocrite." The Prowler murmured behind and we just left Queenie behind.

I know, we know she's in grief but... She's done so much to make suffer so much. Macario stayed behind and Pietro just stood watching them.

We were still left with unfinished business with Miguel and Xian but Xian was never found.

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