Chapter 12: Lover

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The performance was a success. We went to Aaron's place for a quick bites, and there we talked a lot.

"You know you kids.. could make a lot of difference." He talks like an old man, he's just 24.

"We already making a difference, aren't we?" The Prowler commented and Aaron just patted him. "Yes, prowler junior."

"Please don't call me that." He replied then we all smirked.

The topic changed and everyone just talked and talked until I noticed that they all had their own talking partner. Aaron and Pav are talking about teas and cultural difference between them. Prowler and Gwen are...flirting??? That's new, the way that Prowler looks at Gwen, it's just different.

I then glanced at Miles who was drinking his water quietly between me and Prowler.

I leaned closer to him and whispered "Do you wanna go to the rooftop?"

He blushed and nodded so we stood up. Prowler looked at us and he stopped talking to Gwen for a moment.

"Where are you two going?" Prowler asked and Miles replied. "Just getting some oxygen..."

"As if there's none here." He furrowed his brows and glared at me. "you're going there alone?"

He was about to stand up but Gwen stopped him. "Let them be, they are fine. Nothing will happen."

Prowler calmed down and continued to talk to Gwen. We headed to the rooftop and grasped some fresh air.

"Look the color of sunset." I uttered to him and his face brightened. "Wow, the sunset is different here. It looks...stunning."

"Yea, it is stunning." I stared at him when I said that and I saw him blushed a little.

I smirked and asked a question. "Hey what do you think of starting a family?"

"WHAT??" his eyes widened and his face reddened a little more. "Well, I don't know maybe someday you are planning to have a wife.... Or a husband..."

"I'm just curious, mate." I murmured then he looked away. "I'm.. bi so.. uhmm... Maybe I'd like to spend a lifetime with someone.. special." He looked at me and we stared at each other's eyes.

I stepped closer to him and questioned again. "What do you wanna be in the future?"

He's breathing heavily, I can tell. "I like arts.. so.. maybe I'll take physics... To study about multiverse but I really like arts."

"How about you study physics while doing art comissions??? How's that sound?" I suggested and he smiled. "I would love that, honestly but it sounds... Very difficult."

"I'll be there to support you." I replied and he glanced at me. "How are you so sure, man?"

"I believe in loyalty." I answered and he sighed in relief.

We both sat and watched the sky. Then he suddenly rested his head on me, I just let him. I feel like someone's watching us and glaring at me. I bet that's Prowler.


Back in the headquarters, it's just chaos. Miguel was really down, I think Prowler Miles really trash talked him real hard. Jessica took the lead and Margo assisted her.

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