After him, there was a smaller boy than the rest, even though he was still a giant compared to me. His eyes were a brighter blue and he had dirty blond hair. However, something had dulled his eyes. They looked dead. I immediately know that I want to get to know him. I want to be there for him. Now my maternal instinct was kicking in. He was a bit on the skinnier side and looks like he hasn't eaten in a while. This makes a small part of me mad. "I'm Marco, and I am 20." He doesn't say much. That is certainly going to make this harder. He looks like he is a hacker...

Suddenly, a super hyper voice speaks up. Oh great. Another Rico. "Hi I am Xavier! I am so happy to have more little siblings! We are going to have so much fun! I am the older of the twins and I am 18." I look over to a boy that looks like a carbon copy of him if it weren't for the different attitudes. They both have black hair and very light brown eyes. They are both about 6'0 and have a decent amount of muscle, however the one which I believe is Xander seems to have a bit more muscle than his brother. 

But if I remember correctly, it is only recorded that the eldest four are a part of the mafia. And to be honest they don't seem like the type to let one of their youngest brothers join the mafia it they hadn't graduated high school yet. So, what need would Xander have to have that much muscle build up? I look to his knuckles to see them bruised. 

Underground fighter?

Xander then pipes in. "Xander. 18." Just from those two words, I can already tell that he is a hot head and doesn't like us right now. I might be able to tell the last part from the glare he is directed my way. Maybe he thinks I am the weakest. Well, we can't have that. I look him straight in the eyes and let my lips quirk up a little bit into a smirk. He looks a little shocked I wasn't affected by his glare. 

"I am Matteo!" Wonderful, another golden retriever. "I am so excited that I am not the youngest anymore. And even more that I have a sister! We are going to hang out and go to school together and-" He gets cut off from a slap to the head from Xander with a grumbled 'shut up'. Matteo has the lightest hair out of all of them, but it is still dirty blond. His eyes, though, are a super dark blue color. However, they aren't quite grey like my twins and Alessandro. They look almost like an ocean color. He doesn't have much muscle, but you can tell with how he seems to stand at alert that he has some basic defense skills. I smile at his eagerness, and he seems delighted.

"Well, I guess that leaves us." My soft French accent breaks the silence; however, my voice is anything but soft. It is a far cry from my mafia voice; however, it still demands respect. I gesture to myself, "I am Ryan, the eldest of the three of us." I gesture to Rudy. "This is Rudy, the middle child. Don't be offended by his glares, he does that often." Then, after stepping out of range of the slap to the head I knew I was going to receive. And I suppose I guessed correctly by the few impressed glances from my older 'brothers' that I received. I then gesture to Rico. "This is Rico, the youngest of us."

Lorenzo is the next to speak. "Right, well I will take you to your rooms so you can unpack and settle in. Then, I will send someone up to fetch you three for dinner, alright?"

After seeing a nod from all from us, he proceeds to go up the stairs to show us our rooms. 

"The rooms aren't in any specific order; however, you will see that we put all of your rooms together that way you would be close with each other." He explains as he walks us down the long hallway. 

After looking at all of the rooms, we found that they were all very similar. They were all black based with a splash of another color, which was cool. In Rico's room, there were accents of a dark teal color, which looked magnificent. In Rudy's room, there was splashes of a dark blue sort of grey color. In my room, there was a deep purple, which if you didn't look close enough could be black. Maybe I should get a purple bike...

Within the rooms, we all had the necessities, like a bed, closet, etc. On top of that, we each had our own bathrooms that connected through our bedrooms. Aside from having normal bedrooms, they all had a balcony that overlooked the gardens, whether it be the front or back gardens. On top of the balcony that comes with the bedroom, we all had our own little sitting rooms, which Lorenzo told us we could turn into whatever we wanted. He gave us some examples. Mini gyms, mini library, stuff like that. 

I asked if we had an actual gym, and he looked a little shocked that I had asked at first before he eventually said that we did and that Matteo as well as Xavier would show us on the tour they would give us after dinner. 

The first thing I did when I was left alone, though, was hack into the security footage from earlier today and delete Rico's panic attack. 

Just in case they went snooping...

Just in case they went snooping

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Rico's teal ^

Rudy's blue ^

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Rudy's blue ^

Ryan's Purple ^

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Ryan's Purple ^

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