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She thinks I don't notice.

And to be fair, she has been covering it nicely and has been fairly sneaky.

However she has little things about her that give her away.

For example, whenever Ryan walks into a room, or sits somewhere, she always sits where nobody can just randomly sneak up on here. Her back is always to the wall.

Whenever she walks, you can hardly hear her and there is little things you can see she does in order to make it that way. She reduces the amount her arms swing, she walks either slower than normal or quicker than normal in order the stay quiet, and depending on what shoes she wears Ryan will step toe first.

Another thing I have happened to notice was her immaculate ability to hide the emotions from her eyes, or even face in general. Even when Ryan is smiling and laughing with all her brothers, her eyes look dull and dead.

Not to mention she obviously knows how to fight, thanks to her and Rudy's demonstration they both unknowingly gave us.

Ryan also tends to go quiet whenever we have family meals and I end up speaking to the Chris and Lorenzo about mafia affairs. I always do this in Italian, so it doesn't quite make sense why she would be quiet at specifically these times.

She has snuck in and out a couple of times expertly, always using the tree by my window. The only reason I notice is because after seeing her climb back in that first night, I have been watching specifically wanting to know if she has a specific schedule she follows.

If anyone was wondering, she does.

Gigi went home a couple of days ago, but before that I heard her telling Ryan that she 'should tell her brothers the truth'.

I have a high feeling she is involved in the underground world; however, I would date to think that she was forced into it, or that she has a large part in it.

However, you really can't know.

Whatever it is though, she won't be able to hide it for long.

After all, as the saying in my household goes with my brothers, Alessandro knows all.


Gigi had left a couple of hours ago to go back to San Diego, and after her reprimanding me anytime I tried to go back to work, I decided to finally take a break from work.

I was on my way to actually go confront Ryan and ask her about why she had these skills, when yelling was heard from her room. 

And not just any yelling.

Her yelling.

She sounded fucking furious

When I turned the corner where her room is meant to be, a small crowd of brothers and Nikolai seems to have formed. They all look to me and I raise an eyebrow in response. There was actually a lot of people, but what I noticed the most was that Rico was staring at the doors with wide eyes, almost scared like and Rudy was nowhere to be seen. 

I was now close enough to see everyone's facial expressions.

Rico did look nervous and was wincing at everything she was saying to whoever she was talking to. 

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