Why I'm so fit? I was wearing a baggy hoodie. Did she mean my...legs? Before I could really say anything she stood up and started walking towards the tray with a couple needles and other tubes on it. Blood draw time.

"Actually, for this, we'll just have you take the hoodie off. I don't want it coming down while we're...drawing, the...blood." She kind of stumbled over her words.

I pulled it off over my head. I was only wearing a sports bra underneath. Black. With a white Nike swoosh in the middle. As I looked up, I saw Victoria's eyes go to my six pack. And then up a few inches to my perky but by no means large chest. And then to my eyes where we connected.

"Sorry, like I said...I was at the track before coming here and my shirt got soaked." I laughed a little nervously, looking down at my still somewhat damp sports bra.

"Oh goodness, no worries at all!" She said. "I get it. You get in a groove and don't want to quit. I played softball throughout High School, so..." she trailed off and never finished her thought. I think she saw me looking down at the needle.

"Sorry, I...hate this part." I admitted.

Victoria wiped the area with an alcohol swab and didnt waste any time. She grabbed the needle and went right for the vein. It was quick. Painless. I barely felt it.

"Wow, you're...good!" I said with a bit of a smile.

"I've been told I have pretty good hands..." She said confidently. "Helps you have good veins though...I can't take all the credit." She smiled as she waited for a second tube to fill. Eventually pulling it out putting on a band aid.

"You're all set. Dr. Stevens will be in soon." She said as she grabbed the clip board and closed the door. I put my hoodie back on and played on my phone a few minutes while I waited.

After just a couple minutes I heard a soft double knock on the door. "Hi, Ellie!" Dr. Stevens walked in with a big smile on her face.

Dr. Brooke Stevens. I had to assume she was somewhere in her mid 40's. I grew up just one block away from her home, and I'd often see her on my runs. She had two kids. Her youngest son, Mark, was actually in my grade and we had went to the same high school. I wasn't sure about her daughter but knew she was older. I think about five years ago she divorced her husband. He moved out, she got the house, and I still see her around the neighborhood when I'm back home.

Brooke is a similar build to myself. Maybe an inch taller. Short blonde hair. Long, lean legs. Thin waist. Her breasts were perky but not overly large by any means. She was dressed in a pair of navy dress pants, a classic white button down blouse, with a white doctor's coat over that.

"How are you??" She asked as she came in and immediately went to the sink to wash her hands. She didn't even give me a chance to respond before adding, "I saw you on your morning run today! It's so nice having you back for the summer." She was right, I had ran right by her house.

"Oh that's so nice of you to say! It's good to be back. And I'm good. Found a couple part time jobs for the summer to keep me busy so that's cool." I said with a smile. "What about you? Mark back for the summer?" I asked.

As Dr. Stevens opened her laptop and pulled up my chart she responded, "Oh goodness, no! He begged me to let him stay out in California for the summer." I had forgotten he'd went all the way out to UCLA until she said something. "Anyway...he comes back for holidays and such...but I ended up getting him an apartment near the beach for the summer. I'm honestly enjoying the empty nest...as terrible as that sounds." She said with a hint of guilt in her voice but a smile on her face.

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