"No interest." she completed my thought surprisingly accurately.

"Right, no interest I guess....I sound like such an ass..." I said, with a sigh.

"Oh stop! Don't be so hard on yourself. Obviously you're married and all, so..." She didn't finish her thought before I started laughing a little. Pointing down at my ring,

"Oh this?" I laughed again. Lowering my voice and leaning in, "No, this....this what I call a life saver." I said with a grin. "I couldn't be more single. But I certainly didn't want Jim and whatever the hell his name is over there knowing that..." I said with a small laugh.

"I'm Jennifer, by the way..." I said, extending my hand towards her.

"Megan." She said back with a smile. As we shook hands my eyes finally found their way towards her body. Giving her a quick look up and down, she was stunning. She looked to be roughly ten years younger than I. Long, straight brown hair. Petite, standing somewhere around 5'5 I would assume. She was a few inches shorter than I was, and she was wearing heels. She stood in a black dress, much tighter fitting than my own. Her chest smaller than mine. As I was glancing, I saw a tattoo on her wrist. Nearing the end of our handshake I tilted my hand to get a better look, bringing her hand up to almost chest level.

"Well would ya look at that..." I said with a smile. Noticing it was a tattoo of a dumbbell, but the bar in the middle was the word "LIFT" written in cursive.

"I love it...that's hot..." I realize I'd said too much and quickly kept talking to try to cover it up. "You lift?" I asked nervously and dumbly.

"Haha...yeah. And thanks!" Megan replied proudly. "I actually have a lot more, I just...I mean obviously they're covered up. I wanted to do my arms, but didn't want to scare off some of my clients.." She admitted honestly.

"Oh! What do you--" She cut me off,

"I'm a personal trainer." Megan said proudly.

"Oh wow! Well that explains it." I blurted out. "I just mean like..." I was stammering. Obviously nervous. "You're really fit, is all." I concluded with a smile. Megan looked down, smiling. Her cheeks turning rosy, making her brown freckles on her cheeks pop.

"Well thanks...I just do it because I love it. Obviously you work out too..?" She asked with a raised brow.

"I try..." I said with a raised brow. "I don't think I'm quite as fit as you...but I enjoy it." I said with a grin. Was this really happening?

"I'm actually Kellie's trainer.." She said, trying to carry on the conversation.

"Oh wow! Well that makes sense...she looks really in shape! You must be really good!" I said with a smile.

"Nah, the credit goes to all of her hard work. She told me she wanted to fit in the wedding dress, and I gotta say..." She trailed off, but I knew we were both thinking the same thing.

"Yeah she looks great!" I concluded. "Bet you'd have some good pointers for me.." I said rather coyly. "Squats the best way to firm up your ass?" I asked her. And she quickly came back,

"Squats and deadlifts. Hip thrusts too.." She said, and quickly went on. "But it doesn't look like you need much work in that area..." She said as she looked down. She seemed nervous, but obviously not too nervous to take a shot.

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