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I flinched, I expected it, but knowing that my mother, and of course my father knew hurt. They would be disgusted with me. "Yes, well it was always going to come out honey, cut your dad some slack, it wasn't his fault."

Debbie appeared conflicted as she moaned, "Yes but like, he doesn't have to be mean, I don't know what has come over him, he's so bitter." A little river of tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, "Mum I can't stay with him, not till he calms down."

I nodded, "You are welcome to stay with Brianna and me for a few days, but if you do there will be no name calling or snide comments."

She sighed, "I'm sorry mum, I just didn't understand, I still don't really but I just need somewhere to stay."

"You could stay with nan, she wouldn't mind."

Her quick snappy response showed how strongly she felt about that, "No... not nan, she will be worse than dad."

"Alright, as I said you're welcome to stay with us, it means a long drive to and from school so it can't be permanent, but maybe dad will calm down enough for you to move back home."

Lyndsay jumped in, "Deb's you can stay with us, you know that. I love having you stay over."

Debbie smiled and reached out her hand, "Thanks Lynd's but it feels weird, your parents are strange."

Lyndsay rolled her eyes and giggled, "Can't argue with that."

Lyndsay glanced at me, "Can I ask, have you always been gay?"

I knew these questions were going to come, but the smug look on her face made me uncomfortable, "No, I have had a wonderful life, John has been an incredible husband, but Brianna opened my eyes and my mind. I had an epiphany and I realised I loved her."

Debbie interrupted quickly, "But what about dad?"

"Honey I don't know; I simply don't know what the future holds. Brianna may get sick of me and kick me out. I don't know that you father would take me back, and I'm not sure I would want to."

Debbie couldn't stop the water works, her hands rubbing both eyes, "Honey, you have to believe your father and I both love you, that will never change. You just have to let us work things out."

She sighed, "Dad said he is divorcing you, what happens then?"

"Well honey if that happens, we will go our separate paths, start again, live new lives. I love your father, just because I met Brianna doesn't change that. He is a wonderful man, I hurt him, and he is suffering, but if I know your father, he will pick himself up and be back stronger than ever."

"But what am I supposed to do?"

"Honey, you're almost a woman, you can live with me, or stay with your dad, but you'll be off at University making your own life. Go and get your stuff, we need to get going."

As soon as she was gone Lyndsay got up and moved around behind me, "You and Brianna seem to have it sorted, is she as hot as she looks, I mean she's like gorgeous." I felt her hands on my shoulders as she moved closer, "You're incredibly attractive Charlotte, I can see why she likes you."

Turning to face her I murmured, "Thank you Lyndsay, but I think you should remember I am your friends' mother."

"Maybe but that doesn't stop me from wanting you, I may be young, but you wouldn't be disappointed, we could make beautiful music together." Her hand reached up and her fingers trailed lines up my neck, across my cheeks moving softly through my hair like a comb.

Debbie came bounding in and rushed up to give Lyndsay a kiss goodbye. I'm sure it was meant to be a peck, but Lyndsay grabbed her, and the kiss became very sensuous. Debbie spluttered babbled, "See you at school tomorrow."

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