Start from the beginning

As her words sank in and I absorbed her words it started to make sense. Moving out of the house would mean I didn't have to pay the electricity, rates, insurance and I wouldn't have to do those bloody lawns. I guess the down side was I would be handing the house over to John, and the way things were between us, I don't think he would let me back. What a bloody conundrum.

As we rode home the next day, my head spun out of control as I clung on tight, my arms wrapped around her waist. As we swept through the bends, I tried to get my head around what to do, really the first thing to do was talk to John.

After work on Monday, I sent him a message asking if we could meet that night. He replied with a thumbs up...A bloody thumbs up, after all our years together all I warranted was a thumbs up. I messaged back asking if he wanted to stop for dinner. No was his curt response.

Stupidly I took time to dress nicely and applied makeup, so I at least looked presentable. Why...god knows, a bloody thumbs up. He turned up after I had finished doing the dishes. I have to say he looked pretty good. He had obviously taken as much care as I had to look as good as possible.

As he walked in there was no hug, no cuddle, he was straight to the point, "What do you want Charlotte?"

Sighing I asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" He shook his head vehemently, "No thanks, can we just get on with it."

"OK John, I need to know what you're thinking about us, what do you want to do?"

"To Be honest Charlotte, I think we are done, surely you realise there can be no future for?" He gave me a questioning nasty glare, " had a bloody fling with that horrible slut next door for heaven's sake."

"Don't start a fight John, I hoped we could talk rationally, like adults."

"Good god almighty, you carry on an affair behind my back, with a woman no less, and have the temerity, the bare faced cheek to tell me to act like an adult, Christ Charlotte, I don't know who you are any more."

"I'm not hiding from the fact I did a bad thing luv; I just want us to talk calmly and see if there is any hope for us."

He snorted huskily, "Future... there is no future, if you think I'm going to sit idly by while you and her rub my nose in it then think again. You want to carry on acting like a slut and a bitch, well I can't stop you, but I don't have to put up with it."

I sucked in a deep breath, "You wouldn't consider moving back home to see if we could find some other alternatives?"

"Alternatives!" He snarled, "I'll give you an alternative, you can fuck off and I'll move back here, or if you can afford to buy me out you stay, and I'll fuck off. Either way I am divorcing your cheating lying arse."

I couldn't hold back the tears, "John, I do love you, we were so happy, I never meant to hurt you, but this thing with Brianna it came out of nowhere."

I couldn't believe my loving John would or could speak to me like that. The tears rolled down my cheeks as he glowered at me, the anger so clearly visible on his contorted tortured face. Any love long since vaporised.

"Charlotte, I gave you everything I could, I worked harder than most men to give you the home you wanted."

His rage died and tears streamed down his face, "I fucking loved you Charlotte and you fucking burned me." His hand came up and he wiped away the tears shakily, "Fuck you Charlotte, I hate you, there is no more us, that's gone. Make up your mind about the house, can you afford to buy me out, or not?"

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