"-Thin the Decepticon ranks to even the odds if we wish to complete this mission, or survive it..." Ultra Magnus looked around at the bots.

Aries looked down at the humans, "Oh! What about them?"

The tall shouldered mech shook his helm, "Out of the question."

"Come on, they got those little communication devices and can be tracked by the Cons'. We send em' around the world and get those Cons' outta the way. Bing, bang, boom, Darkmount's cleared for us!" The femme stated and looked down at the humans excitedly. She noticed the reluctance on the boy's faces, "So long as you want to do it."


Smokescreen was pacing back and forth in front of his leader. He looked terrified, "I can't do this! I mean sure who wouldn't want to be a Prime? But I'm really not ready for that kind of responsibility. I mean look at me, I'm a crazy young insubordinate mech!" He then stopped pacing and knelt down beside Optimus. Whose optic's seemed to be a bit brighter, and his energy had returned a bit.

"Smokescreen, the choice is neither yours, nor mine to make. When it is time, the Matrix of Leadership...will present itself only to one whose Spark is worthy..." Optimus explained, noticing that the young mech was trying to avoid eye contact with him. Which was understandable, he was scared.

When Optimus had gone down to the Well of AllSparks all those years ago, he had been terrified. Terrified of what the future held. How could a simple archivist from Iacon become a Prime?

One could only try...


Aries clapped her servos together, "Okie Dokie Smokies(Just go with it. She remembers a little bit of the funny things humans say lol), ready to go?" She looked down at the two kids, Jack and Miko. They both nodded, Aries turned to Ratchet, "Fire up that bridge please."

After putting in a set of coordinates the ground bridge opened, Jack ran through. Another set was put in then Ratchet gestured for Miko to go through. She had a cheeky grin on her face.

When the kids bridged out the Bots' waited nervously. Bulkhead and Arcee were worried about their charges. They hadn't done something like this before. Nor had they been so far away from them before. Even if it was just for a few minutes they were worried.

"I have seven Vechicons converging on top of Jack," Raf announced from his post beside the monitor. He had his computer resting on his lap.

"Not for much longer," Ratchet pressed a few buttons on the monitor and a ground bridge opened up behind them. A moment later Jack jumped through and landed with a knee resting on the ground. He gave Ratchet a thumbs up.

The medic put two digits to his com-link, "Miko, you're up." He winces and quickly removes his digits from his com-link.

"Kid's just excited Doc," Wheeljack chuckled from beside Bulkhead.

Ratchet shook his helm to ease his audio receptors, "Remind me to never wait for Miko to reply..." The medic then glared at the wrecker, "And don't call me Doc!"

"Okay, sorry!" The wrecker held up his servos in surrender, scared to be hit with a wrench. He'd already angered the mech earlier and didn't want to push his limits of freedom.

Then the medic froze again, even before Raf alerted him the young teenage girl had comed the medic.

"ARE THEY AFTER ME?!" Miko squealed in delight.

Her response was a ground bridge opening up in front of her. Once she was on the other side of the bridge she flipped her ponytails back, "I really could have used that pie," Then she saw Ratchet holding his helm and throwing her a glare, "Oops, sorry Ratch."

Woman and Machine I (TFP & Pacific Rim )Where stories live. Discover now