Chapter Thirty Five

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Today was Thanksgiving, and Darcy knew she was going to be busy

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Today was Thanksgiving, and Darcy knew she was going to be busy. She woke up to the sound of her nieces running up and down the hallway. Pops and Dad were the only ones awake out of the grownups, and they were the two watching over the girls. They often tried to spend as much time with the girls as possible, since they were afraid they'd miss out on their lives when the girls got older.

Knowing the girls would be hungry soon, Darcy got up out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get a shower. She decided to go ahead and put on her nice clothes, since she didn't want to look like a scrub on Thanksgiving; not that anyone would really care, but the rest of her family was somewhat dressing up. Well, Jack wasn't, but Jack never really dressed up often anyway.

Once she was dressed, Darcy headed out to the kitchen to begin breakfast. She wasn't making anything extravagant, she just chose bacon, eggs, and baby pancakes. By the time she was halfway finished, most of her siblings were awake. She had to send Tatum to wake up Jack though, since he was being a lazy bones. And by the time she was finished, Jeremy and Ava had showed up. Darcy was glad she had made extra food for them, just incase they showed up.

After breakfast, Darcy and Lori began to clean up, as Tatum and Riley began to get out the ingredients for all of the food they were making. Darcy had Emma and Hendrix take Ava to their room to play, and she had politely asked her fathers to take Jeremy to the living room with them to watch the game. Darcy didn't know much about sports, but she knew all the guys did, so she hoped they'd bond over it.

"I swear I feel like there's a connection between you and Jeremy," Lori commented,"maybe some lingering feelings for one another." She teased, and she wasn't surprised when Darcy blushed.

"Can I be honest with you guys?" Darcy asked the girls, knowing the guys couldn't hear a damn thing over the sound of the TV.

"Of course." Tatum answered almost immediately, and the other two agreed with her.

"Jeremy and I kissed, twice." She admitted, causing the girls to squeal quietly.

"Really? Was it good?" Lori asked excitedly, making Darcy blush again.

"Yrah," She murmured, causing Tatum and Lori to giggle,"and the other night we admitted that we had feelings for each other." She said, and the girls gasped.

"What happened after that?" Lori asked, completely invested in the story.

"Well, nothing, actually." She answered, making the girls frown.

"Nothing? Really?" Riley asked, feeling disappointed for her sister.

"Yeah," Darcy sighed,"which I didn't expect anything to happen, but it's a little disheartening knowing that he has feelings for me, and he knows I do for him too, but he doesn't seem to want to pursue a relationship with me." She said, making her sisters frown.

What she didn't know, was that Jeremy had actually heard what she had said. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop on their conversation, but he did, and he was kind of glad that he did. With eavesdropping, he learned that she infact wanted a relationship with him, and he had to plan out the perfect idea on how to ask her to be with him.

A couple of hours later, Darcy and Lori served up sandwiches with chips and dip for the guys and the kids to eat. Tatum rallied the kids into the living room, and they watched the game for a bit while they ate, much to the kids' dismay. Darcy, Tatum, Lori, and Riley ate here and there while they cooked the large dinner for later.

Finally, around six, maybe a little later, the food was ready, and everyone was able to come to the kitchen to eat. Darcy had gotten large section plates for everyone to use for their food, since she knew the kids hated when their food touched, as did she and Riley. She also brought over bottles of soda and juice for everyone to drink with their meal.

"You think we should save room for dessert?" Tatum asked Jack, causing the man to laugh.

"As if I wouldn't have room for Darcy's pie. I'd make room just for a slice." He replied, causing everyone around him to laugh.

Most everyone was too full for dessert, other than the three children and Jack. While they ate dessert, Darcy set up containers full of leftovers for Jeremy and Ava, as well as a couple pies and a cake. Once she had gotten all of their things together, she finished helping her sisters clean up the big mess in the kitchen.

"Thanks for havin' us over," Jeremy said, as he picked up Ava,"We've gotta get goin'. She's fallin' asleep." He commented, and Darcy smiled.

"It was fun having you guys here," She replied,"Let me help you take out the leftovers." She added, as she grabbed the cake and pies.

Jeremy grabbed the fabric bag that held all the containers of leftovers. It was a special type of bag that was similar to a cooler, and it could be thrown in the washer if anything got on it. Jeremy and Darcy placed all of the leftovers in Jeremy's truck, before Jeremy put Ava into her carseat.

"You and Ava should come over again before my family leaves, so Ava can hang out with the girls one last time." Darcy commented, and Jeremy nodded.

"Sounds good," He replied,"How 'bout tomorrow?" He asked, causing her to smile.

"Works for me." She replied, making him smile as well.

Tomorrow would be the day, and Darcy didn't know it yet. He was nervous, which was to be expected. He hadn't asked a girl out in years, and he wanted it to go right. He didn't want this relationship to end like his last one, especially after dealing with someone as awful as his ex girlfriend...

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