Chapter Fourteen

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Darcy was lounging outside her house, getting ready to have a nice swim

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Darcy was lounging outside her house, getting ready to have a nice swim. Dodger was staying with her and her pups, since Peggy and Chris were out of town. Chris's brother was having a family get together at his house, so Chris and Peggy had to go. Darcy had agreed to watch over Dodger, so he didn't have to take the long drive to and from Scott's place.

After the farmer's market, Darcy had started working on a lot of new orders and other things. She was still upset over Jeremy's accusations and comments, but she didn't hold any hate towards him. She planned to never see him again, to keep from letting him fuel the fire of her anger. He seemed to be real good at upsetting her.

She had been working almost an entire week on orders, as well as other products to sell at the next farmer's market. After spending days working, she decided to finally take time off for herself. She brought the three dogs outside to swim and play in the yard, as well as for herself to get a better tan and swim a little.

As she was relaxing in her lawn chair, rubbing sun tan lotion on her legs, she heard her doorbell ring. She quickly slipped back on her shorts, and headed towards the door. Placing her sunglasses on top of her head, she opened the door and was surprised to see Jeremy and Ava.

"Mr. Renner," Darcy commented, surprise evident in her voice,"what are you doing here?" She asked, giving the best polite smile as she could.

"Look, I still don't believe you're the angel everyone keeps sayin' ya are," He began,"but Peggy and Chris ain't home, and I have no one else to watch Ava. I gotta run a few towns over, and Ava hates goin' to town for feed. So, I need ya to watch her for awhile," He said,"Ya think you can do that, or are ya finally gonna ask for whatever ya wanted from that charity stunt ya pulled?" He questioned, making Darcy sigh.

"Like I told you before, I wasn't doing it out of charity, I was just being kind." She replied, causing him to scoff.

"I can just look at ya, and I know for a fact that's a lie, and I ain't gonna be galavantin' around for ya whenever the hell ya want." He snipped, causing the girl to frown.

"Mr. Renner, I--" She began, but he cut her off.

"So, are ya able to watch Ava or not?" He asked,"I got places to be, and a lot more work than puttin' a penny size design on a t-shirt." He commented, making her sigh.

"Yes, I can watch her," She began, quickly stopping him before he could leave,"but she needs a swimsuit, I was just outside by the pool, and I know all kids like water." She said, causing him to scowl.

"I don't just carry bathin' suits in my truck, Pierce." He retorted, and she nodded.

"Fine, you go wherever you need, I'll take Ava to get a swimsuit." She replied, making him roll his eyes, before he walked away.

Darcy looked down at Ava, and the little girl smiled up at her with a big grin on her face.

"We've got to get you a swimsuit. Let me just grab my keys and we'll head to the store." She commented, and the little girl nodded excitedly.

Darcy called the dogs inside, and told Dodger to watch over them, as if he'd understand her command. Once she had her keys, she locked up the house and brought Ava over to her SUV. The SUV held the carseats she used for her nieces. As soon as Ava was secured, Darcy climbed in the front and drove to a small store.

She and Ava looked around for a while, before Darcy ended up buying Ava three swimsuits, and herself two more. Darcy also grabbed some sunscreen, since she doubted Ava wanted sunburn. As soon as they got back to the house, Darcy brought Ava to the girls' room so she could change.

Ava was rather independent, but she did have troubles with her swimsuit, so Darcy ended up having to help her. Darcy then braided Ava's hair to keep it from becoming a tangled mess while swimming. After her swimsuit was on and her hair was braided, Darcy sprayed her down with sunscreen, and wiped a special one on her face. The face cream was to help her face from burning, as well as help to keep her face from drying out.

Once Ava was ready, Darcy put sun tan lotion on herself, before she and Ava jumped into the pool. Dodger, Bruce, and Charlie ran around outside of the pool, playing with random toys Darcy had brought out for them. When they got too hot, they'd jump into the pool to cool off, before going right back to running around and playing.

"I love your doggies." Ava murmured, as Charlie snuggled his wet head into Ava's neck.

Ava laid her head lightly against Charlie's, as she wrapped her arms around him and pet him gently. She was very careful and easy with all three dogs, and it made Darcy's heart burst with happiness. Ava was the sweetest little girl she had ever met, and she wondered how such a sweet little girl could come from an asshole like Jeremy Renner.

Darcy didn't criticize him too much, since Peggy had told her quite a bit about his past, and she did sympathize, but that didn't give him the right to be an ass. He needed to learn to treat her with respect. He needed to learn to accept how sweet and caring she was, and that she'd give Ava things out of the kindness of her heart. Darcy didn't have a bad bone in her body, but Jeremy seemed to believe she was secretly the devil reincarnated, and she wanted to know why...

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