Chapter Twenty One

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It had been a month since Darcy started working for Jeremy as Ava's babysitter/nanny

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It had been a month since Darcy started working for Jeremy as Ava's babysitter/nanny. Over that month, she had realized just how much work it was to take care of a small child. She didn't often have to constantly care for her nieces, since their parents or grandparents were around, but with Ava, she was responsible for everything until it was time to send her home.

After a very time consuming and thoughtful month, Darcy began to think about other alternatives to do with her life and job. First, she was going to figure out a way for Jeremy to spend more time with Ava, even if it was only a few extra minutes a day. She was also trying to figure out what she should do with her own life and work. Recently, she had been getting offers to buy her business. Yes, there were a lot of businesses like hers, but none were as popular.

This week was the week Ava didn't have school. She was off for the entire week, so Jeremy was going to bring her an hour later than normal. Darcy didn't get the chance to sleep in though, since she was woken up by her phone ringing in her ear. With a sigh, she turned over and picked up the annoying device.

"Hello?" She questioned, her voice hoarse from sleep.

"Darcy, you have a video call in an hour to talk to a potential buyer. He's talking half a million dollars for your business, and he's willing to negotiate if his offer isn't enough." Her Dad told her, causing her to sit up quickly.

"Are you serious?! How did you find out?!" She exclaimed, making him chuckle.

"Chuck called. He said he'd sit in during your video call to make sure there isn't any scams going on." He replied, and she almost jumped out of bed with excitement.

"Oh, I've got to get ready! Is Chuck ready?" She asked, causing her Dad to laugh.

"You know he is. He'll call about ten minutes before the potential buyer, so you two can set up any paperwork we might've missed." He said, as Darcy did her happy dance.

"I'm so happy," She squealed,"I love you, but I gotta go." She added, making him laugh once more.

"I love you, too." He replied, before he hung up the phone.

Almost instantly, Darcy jumped from her bed and ran to the bathroom to get a shower. Once she was showered, she slipped on her underwear and sat down at her vanity to dry her hair and do her makeup. It took her almost thirty minutes to dry her hair, which meant she only had about twenty minutes to finish before she had to talk business.

She ran to her closet and began to search through all of her clothes. She didn't know what to wear, but she knew she wanted to be professional, or at least, a little professional. After five minutes, she chose a simple black dress. She slipped on some tights to go under, as well as her combat boots. When she turned to walk out of the closet, she spotted a cute necklace that she thought would go with her outfit. After putting the necklace on, she checked herself out in the mirror and gave herself a nod.

Her heart almost leapt out of her chest, as she carried her laptop into the kitchen and heard a knock on her front door. She had completely forgotten about her arrangement with Jeremy and Ava. If only she had known the day before, she could've gotten Chris and Peggy to watch Ava until she was finished with her call. It was too short of notice now, and there was no way for her to ask them.

Placing the laptop down carefully, the girl ran over to the front door, unlocked it, and opened the door with a smile on her face. Almost instantly, her pups ran to the door to greet Ava. The puppies were always so happy to see Ava, even if it had only been a few hours since they last seen her. It was like she was their favorite person in the world.

"Hey, sorry, I'm a little frazzled today." Darcy commented, as she allowed Ava to run inside.

"I can see that." Jeremy replied, nodding slightly.

"I know this might be a weird question," Darcy began, biting her lip,"but do I look professional enough?" She asked, twirling slightly so Jeremy could see her full outfit.

"Uh, why?" He asked,"You're jus' watchin' Ava." He commented, making her smile nervously.

"I have a business call in like fifteen minutes, and I need to look professional. If I don't, the guy might not take me seriously, and I really need him to." She answered, and the man nodded.

Jeremy glanced over her outfit, and for some reason, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't know why, but seeing her in that dress made him want to pull her close and kiss her. She was beautiful, but obviously, he wasn't going to tell her that. The last lady he ever said that to turned out to be a real bitch that tried to ruin him and his daughter's life. No matter what Peggy and Chris said about Darcy, he still didn't believe she was as nice and selfless as she claimed to be.

"Ya look professional to me." He said, and her smile turned into a grin.

"Oh, good." She answered, giggling lightly.

"Do I need to find someone else to watch Ava for the day?" He asked genuinely, though his tone came out pointed.

"No, I've got her. I'll just have her busy when I'm busy. It's not a problem, I promise." She replied, though she really wasn't sure.

He simply nodded once, then turned and left the porch. Darcy really didn't know if she had everything under control, but she couldn't let him know that. Besides, she knew he was just testing her, and she wanted to prove him wrong with all the assumptions he made about her. She just hoped everything turned out well...

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