Chapter Twenty Six

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Darcy was woken up from her sleep around midnight the night Jeremy and Ava went home. Her phone had been ringing, and it woke her from her sleep. It had rang two different times before Darcy had woken up. The girl grabbed her phone from her bedside table, and looked at the screen with blurred vision.

"Hello?" She rasped, after she answered the phone.

"Thank God," Jeremy murmured,"Ava's throwin' up everywhere, I think she got a stomach bug. I need to clean up the mess, but she's freakin' out and needs a shower, and I can't do everythin' myself. I wouldn't have called, but I only got one arm an--" Jeremy rambled, until Darcy cut him off.

"I'll be over in a minute. I need to throw on some shoes." Darcy replied, and Jeremy sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much, Darcy." Jeremy said, causing Darcy to smile to herself.

"No problem, Mr. Renner." She answered, before she hung up the phone.

The girl quickly stood from her bed, ran to her closet and grabbed a pair of shorts. She had slept in a t-shirt and panties, so she just needed to throw on some shorts, a bra, and a pair of shoes. Once she had gotten ready, she grabbed a ponytail holder, pulled her hair into a messy bun, then ran out of her room, slipping her phone in her pocket on the way out, as well as a small bottle of soap.

Charlie and Bruce had chased after her, but she was able to pass them without tripping over them. The girl decided to bring them with her, since she knew they'd make the little girl feel better. She quickly put the two pups into her truck, before she climbed in herself and drove fast to Jeremy's house. The moment she pulled up outside the ranch, she felt her heartbeat pick up. She didn't know what she was going to walk into once she went inside.

As soon as she parked, she stepped out of her truck, and her pups followed quickly after. She ran to the door, and before she could knock, Jeremy swung the door open. The pups pushed past his legs, and Jeremy turned a bit to let Darcy into his house.

"I got this," Darcy said,"you go rest your arm. It won't get better if you strain it." She added, and Jeremy sighed, but nodded.

Darcy ran up to Ava's room, and the little girl was sitting in her bed crying. Her floor was covered in puke, as was part of her blankets and pajamas. Her cheeks were red, and tears were pouring from her eyes.

"Hey, Ava, sweetheart," Darcy cooed,"Let's get you cleaned up. Then I'll set you up in Daddy's room, so I can clean up, okay?" Darcy said, and Ava sniffled.

Darcy went over to Ava's dresser and pulled out a nightgown and a new pair of panties, before she brought them to the bathroom. The one thing she learned was that Jeremy's house only had one bathroom, and there were three bedrooms. Once Ava's clothes were in the bathroom, Darcy went back to Ava's room and helped her get her puke covered shirt off without getting it all over her face or hair.

Darcy set up a warm bath for the little girl, and put some lavender scented soap into the water, something she had stuffed in her pocket on the way out of her room. She knew the smell of the soap and the essential oils in it would help Ava relax. Once the girl was in the warm water, Darcy helped her clean all the sickly feeling off, before she helped her out of the tub.

As soon as Ava was dressed, Darcy braided her hair, so it would be out of her face in case she became sick again later. Darcy drained the bath water, and tossed the wet towel and dirty clothes into the hamper, before she brought Ava to Jeremy's room. Jeremy was in his room, fixing the sling holding his arm. He winced a couple times, causing Darcy to frown.

"Where do you keep your cleaning products?" Darcy asked, causing Jeremy to look over.

"Everythin' I use is either in the laundry room or under the sink in the kitchen. My cleanin' rags are above the washer." He replied, and she nodded.

"Okay, I can get that cleaned up. You two lay down and get some sleep." Darcy said, making Jeremy frown.

"I called for a little help, I didn't need ya to do everythin' for me." Jeremy commented, and Darcy smiled.

"I know, but I'm just doing it anyway," She replied,"Now, lay down and get some rest. You'll need to be up in a few hours for work anyway." She added, making him sigh.

"After you're done, stay in the guest room. Don't need ya drivin' and havin' an accident cause ya didn't get any sleep." He stated, causing her to nod.

"I can do that," She answered,"Good night Renners." She murmured, and Ava waved tiredly.

"Darcy," Jeremy called, stopping her before she could walk out the room,"Here," He handed her a shirt,"this should work to sleep in for the night." He said, causing her to smile.

"Thank you." She replied, before finally leaving the room.

Darcy went to the laundry room and grabbed a bucket, a mop, and a couple cleaning products to clean the hardwood floor, as well as a couple rags and a scrub brush to clean the small carpet in Ava's room. She stripped Ava's entire bed and brought all of the bedding to the laundry room and started the washer.

By the time she had scrubbed the carpet clean, and had the entire floor mopped, the washer was finally finished. Her pups had ran off to Jeremy's room to sleep with him and Ava, since they knew Ava was sick. While the bedding dried, Darcy threw Ava's clothes into the washer, as well as her own, once she stripped and put on the shirt Jeremy had given her for the night.

Darcy stayed up until almost two in the morning cleaning, but she didn't mind. She knew the two needed rest, so she was going to do what she could to help. Once the bedding was done, she put it back on Ava's bed, then threw their clothes in the dryer. As soon as the clothes were in the dryer, Darcy went to the guest room and laid down. She knew she wasn't getting much sleep, but at least she'd get a few hours...

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